Cake Job Search

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Creative Director
Logo of Pic a Life 玩閱科技有限公司.
你的腦中的總是有源源不絕創意與想法嗎? Pic a Life 天賦製夢所想要邀請你一起來玩轉今年暑假! 我們致力為孩子打造新型態的生活教育體驗,透過多元的營隊主題,提供孩子不一樣的學習方法
Event Planning
6K TWD / piece rate
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Vietnam Jobs Hub.
About the job InBold is a brand new strategic, 360º creative communication agency, built from a merger of Essencius and The Color Club. We’ve joined together to build outstanding narratives for brands and create stories that are truly worth sharing. We develop brand and communication strategies, provide consultancy, master creativity, and carry out communication activities in the Nordics, Southeast Asia, and globally. With more than 47 years of combined years in business, we are experienced in
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Plan b Inc..
邏輯佳、能獨立解決問題。 兼具獨立作業及團隊作業的內外部溝通協調能力。 具有企劃分析及提案能力。 具專案時程和預算管理能力及經驗。 美感佳且具基本排版能力。
google drive
35K ~ 50K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Công ty TNHH CREASIA.
Consult Account team about ideas; More feeling with request & brand/client to have good & suitable ideas, design,…; Analyze & Propose solutions to customers/ campaign/ project: Capture, advise, propose creative concept/ ideas, direction & design solutions suitable with client's strategy/ plan/ campaign; Spearhead and manage content strategy for both small-scale and large-scale projects, harnessing strategy, digital and brand design, compelling content, and technology; Create concept/ big ideas f
Presentation Skills
25M ~ 35M VND / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of PT Shark Animasi Indonesia.
Shark Animation is a company operating in the field of Television Commercial (TVC) services and is in search of a Middle Creative Director to build our team. This is your chance to gain more experience and working with an amazing team!
Strategic Planning
Creative Thinking
Creative Problem Solving
8.5M ~ 10M IDR / month
4 years of experience required
Managing 1-5 staff
Logo of Gamina.
Tugas : Bekerja sama dengan tim marketing untuk menganalisa, merencanakan, dan melaksanakan strategi digital media campaign yang terencana dan terintegrasi Meningkatkan brand awareness menggunakan digital media channels seperti Instagram dan Tiktok Menciptakan konten-konten yang kreatif dan inovatif untuk mencapai goal serta meningkatkan Penjualan menjadi model produk pakaian dalam konten yang kreatif dan inovatif, sehingga membantu mencapai target penjualan. Mendistribusikan konten-konten pada
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
3M ~ 5M IDR / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Loftwork.
Loftwork 正在招聘有企圖心的 Assistant Director! 或許你還沒有充足的業界經驗,但希望透過專案實作過程主動學習和自我培訓。在 Loftwork 多樣的設計專案中協助創意總監 (Creative Director) 執行創意專案與管理與客戶關係聯繫。 你
35K ~ 48K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 群眾自造股份有限公司.
我們不去定義空間設計的範圍,因為是大氣層以下都可進行空間設計,不應該只有局限在「室內」,同時,我們在找對「文化」、「藝術」、「設計創意」、「美學」要有極大熱忱,才能跟我們一起瘋癲~ 綜合型空間類型案源
google drive
40K ~ 60K TWD / month
No management responsibility
Logo of 璽睿創新有限公司.
1.依設計師需求分析整合全球市場與流行趨勢 2.將照片素材彙整成資料庫 3.上傳照片至pinterest/公司網站 4.文書事務處理 5.需略知成衣市場趨勢及美學時尚之敏感度。 6.需有強
180 ~ 220 TWD / hour
No management responsibility
Logo of 達萬科技貿易有限公司.
熟悉Photoshop、illustrator、AutoCAD、3D...等軟體應用。 視覺與排版設計 產品外觀設計 Banner與網頁設計 型錄手冊與電子報設計 實體背板與展覽設計 產品外觀設計
158 ~ 160 TWD / hour

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