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Corporate Finance
Logo of 台灣索思未來科技股份有限公司.
1. Account payable entries, supporting document checking, account assignment, information verifying, system input/upload and payment process. 2. Employee travel expense checking/verifying, system input/upload. 3. Prepare and process electronic transfers and payments 4. Monitor/handle VAT-in, withholding tax and other taxation requirements 5. Maintain Vendor master data. 6. Support annual financial audit preparation 7. Other duties may be assigned
40K+ TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of FinoCapital.
About the Role FinoCaptial 的財會團隊是我們的堅實後盾,財會夥伴們確保每一筆交易紀錄的準確與真實性,堅定地守護公司的財務健康與穩定。 而在 FinoCaptial 不停擴展的此時,我們需要對於財務會計有興趣及熱情的
40K ~ 70K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 美好證券 Good Finance.
美好證券前身為大慶證券,於2021年十月正式更名完成,我們以全新品牌面貌「美好金融Good Finance」繼續為大眾服務。美好,是我們對客戶的承諾,也是對自己的提醒。提醒我們時時刻刻努力,讓美好金融成為
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Rodamas.
Memimpin tim dalam menjalankan dan mengambil keputusan yang tepat atas kegiatan financing, administrasi operational sales dan general administration. Mengelola cashflow yang baik dan terkontrol (AR, Kas/Bank dan Budgeting) dan proses tutup buku bulanan tepat waktu. Melakukan otorisasi terakhir terhadap proses transaksi di Area. Melakukan pengukuran dan analisa atas kinerja operasional area (Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss dan Budgeting). Melakukan audit terhadap area dan sub area dalam menjalankan
1 years of experience required
Managing 1-5 staff
Logo of 可立可股份有限公司 KlickKlack Communications.
【工作內容】 1. 銀行及一般收支作業 2. 總帳會計處理 (應收、應付、費用、固定資產及成本結轉) 3. 審核各項費用單據、編製傳票、帳務報表,相關會計報表處理 4. 配合會計師帳務整理相關事宜
35K ~ 45K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of BenQ 明基電通.
1.全方位財會工作:經營分析、股務、稅務、資金與會計相關業務 2.日常財務工作及財務業務之改善 3.因應公司成長,配合公司外派國內外各子公司之需求 ※ 此職缺將依據學經歷與年資核定
30K ~ 100K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 美國在台協會 American Institute In Taiwan.
The incumbent serves as the primary budget analyst and operations support provider for the Agricultural Trade Office (ATO) at AIT. S/he performs complicated budget and fiscal analysis and executes complex administrative and office management duties for the office in line with AIT, Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), and U.S. government regulations and practices. S/he has broad and primary responsibility for financial management including contracting and purchasing decisions, record management, a
835.5K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of AmazingTalker.
★請透過以下連結申請: About Us AmazingTalker 致力建立一個全方位的 線上教學平台 ,讓任何人都可以找到最適合自己的 家教 ,以不斷提昇線上教師收入為使命。始於 2017 年,目前平台上約有 10
200 ~ 220 TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 台北富邦商業銀行股份有限公司.
歡迎加入富邦法金團隊,我們有完整培訓及晉升客戶關係經理(RM)制度,歡迎積極向上的您! ☆學歷:大學以上商學相關科系 ☆具金融業法金ARM經驗及會計師事務所審計員經驗者尤佳 ☆工作內容
45K ~ 55K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 台北富邦商業銀行股份有限公司.
◆職位目的:辦理金融商品相關會計作業 ◆重要職責/工作內容: 1. 金融商品帳務處理(有價證券、衍生性商品等) 2. 主管機關法報編製(資料收集、覆核或分析) 3. 協助金市系統專案執行
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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