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Logo of OpenNet 開網有限公司.
Candidate Profile: ● The successful candidate will be a self-driven MySQL DBA with proven experience in large-scale systems ● The candidate will have a deep understanding of MySQL ● The candidate will be following the latest industry trends and be passionate about database administration for large-scale systems Key Responsibilities ● Database / table schemas deployment; Accounts, privileges management ● Monitor and maintain the existing database infrastructure via autoscaling, automated alerts a
Aurora RDS
990K ~ 2M TWD / year
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 國泰世紀產物保險股份有限公司.
【團隊介紹】 我們是一個充滿熱情與創意的團隊,致力於結合科技與數據驅動保險業的創新變革。在這裡,你將與專業的技術與商業團隊協作,打造下一代智能解決方案,推動產險的數位轉型與智
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 技嘉科技股份有限公司 GIGA-BYTE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD..
1.財務會計相關報表開發與維運。 2.資料ETL功能處理,確保報表所需數據準確性和一致性。 3.異質資料庫整合、資料比對與視覺化呈現設計,依使用者需求建置財會相關報表。 4.依財會單
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 綠色遊戲有限公司.
1、參與資料庫的設計和實施工作; 2、負責專案中資料處理相關的大量腳本開發與報表開發工作; 3、負責測試、投產以及投產演練過程中的資料移轉工作。
600K ~ 1.8M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 富邦人壽保險股份有限公司.
1.開發深度學習 / 機器學習模型,或運用大型語言模型(LLM)、自然語言處理(NLP)、電腦視覺(CV)…等工具協助優化公司內現有工作流程,提升作業效率和品質。 2.跨單位合作,依據使用者提出之應用場
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of TSMC 台積電.
Established in 1987 and headquartered in Taiwan, TSMC pioneered the pure-play foundry business model with an exclusive focus on manufacturing its customers’ products. In 2023, the company served 528 customers with 11,895 products for high performance computing, smartphones, IoT, automotive, and consumer electronics, and is the world’s largest provider of logic ICs with annual capacity of 16 million 12-inch equivalent wafers. TSMC operates fabs in Taiwan as well as manufacturing subsidiaries in W
TGC Europe
40K+ TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Acer 宏碁.
We are seeking a Senior Database Administrator to manage and maintain acer global IT’s databases, ensuring data security, system availability, and optimal performance. The successful candidate will have a proven track record of administrating large enterprise DB and will be responsible for ensuring the DBA team's effectiveness in supporting the acer database infrastructure. Key Responsibilities: 1. Execute DB policies for managing and maintaining the acer’s databases, ensuring data security, sys
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 百瑞精鼎國際股份有限公司 .
**1 year Intern Program** As a Site Intelligence Intern at Parexel, you will have the opportunity to gain valuable industry experience and contribute to the success of clinical trials. This internship is designed to provide you with practical exposure to the field of clinical research and site intelligence. Job Description • Provide operational support and test for Site Intelligence Data Assets and Systems. •, Program Parexel Surveys and process investigative site lists in support of site intell
Data Analysis
Database Management
Data Structures
200 ~ 220 TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 富邦人壽保險股份有限公司.
1. 設計、開發及維護ETL流程,從不同數據源提取、轉換及加載數據至目標資料庫。 2.負責SAP系統中的數據管理,包括數據遷移、整合與優化。 3.協助團隊進行數據分析及報告的自動化。 4.配合
35K ~ 50K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 尊博科技股份有限公司.
1. MySQL資料庫規劃、建置、維護 2. 資料庫維護、異常排除、問題分析等⽇常管理 3. 資料效能監控及協助開發⼈員調校SQL程式效能 4. 撰寫資料庫⾃動化管理維運等相關程式 5. NOSQL資料庫規
Database Administration
Database Management
630K ~ 1.05M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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