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Content Marketing
Logo of Cake.
About Cake Established in 2016 in Taiwan, Cake is an international talent community and platform providing comprehensive solutions for job seekers. By offering AI tools for resumes and portfolios, job search strategies, networking resources, and international job opportunities, Cake meets all needs in career development. With over 7 million users worldwide and collaborations with over 10,000 companies, Cake helps talent find the most suitable place at different stages of their careers. Job Intro
Content Strategy
Content Writing
180M ~ 240M VND / năm
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Logo of Cake.
關於 Cake Cake 是 2016 年成立於台灣的國際人才社群,以「聚焦人才的價值與歸屬」為核心,提供履歷與作品集 AI 工具、求職攻略、職場交流社群資源及國際化工作機會,全方位滿足職涯發展中的所有需求。Cake
Product Marketing
SEO Content Creation
B2B Marketing
600K ~ 1.5M TWD / năm
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Logo of 聽說媒體有限公司.
公司致力於協助 Podcast 創作者規劃完善服務,提供優質的企劃、現場錄音、剪輯、文案撰寫、上架與顧問服務,以及podcast廣告執行、企劃等,近期更協助創作者製作 video podcast 與短影音。 目前製作:【跳脫Do式圈】、【婊姐必請
Google Drive
35K ~ 38K TWD / tháng
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Logo of Cake.
Join our team as a Content Marketing Manager! We are looking for a leader who is experienced in content strategy development and execution. Here, you will collaborate with content marketing members across different markets to develop and implement high-impact strategies. Integrating content with product marketing strategies, you will help expand the Cake brand, and provide job seekers with a diverse and enriching content experience. Cake’s marketing team is an international team with members bas
Content Marketing
900K ~ 1.5M TWD / năm
Yêu cầu 3 năm kinh nghiệm
Managing 1-5 staff
Logo of HakkaTV 客家電視.
📌 工作內容 【關於 SODA (Squad Of Digital Affairs) 數位發展組】 數發組是客台數位轉型的關鍵單位,主責數位媒體的應用與工作流的數位化,正在突破傳統媒體的框架,擁抱創新與導入科技,從應用面 3D, VR 360, AI 到制度
530K ~ 770K TWD / năm
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Logo of AmazingTalker.
你可以 從 0 到 1 製成影片做出動人作品,最後達到內容行銷。 你可以讓創意變現,真的實質影響最後的轉換創造出金錢! 這個職缺你會從剪輯了解到企劃,再接觸PM整合內外資源以及整體經營策
After Effect
Final Cut ProX
40K ~ 60K TWD / tháng
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Logo of SwingTaiwan 社交舞與搖擺舞學校.
如果你在行銷上各種酷東西想要嘗試,卻苦無舞台,那這邊絕對適合你~~ 行銷絕不只是當個小編發發文,更會實際參與策略的發想與規劃!你能夠真正的接觸到客戶,深度洞察需求,並自主規劃各行
Google Drive
3K ~ 9K TWD / bài viết
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Logo of 布蘭德數位策略有限公司.
作為 Brander 的內容行銷者,你將研究市場、創作內容行銷策略,透過故事協助品牌應對客戶做精準行銷。我們希望你擁有跨文化環境工作的經驗,能靈活運用數位行銷工具與平台,透過深入的市場研究
Content Marketing
200 ~ 300 TWD / hour
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Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
工作內容: 短影音行銷素材,腳本發想及內容撰寫 短影音主題企劃,熟悉 IG Reels短影音創作,有豐富經驗 有網感,常常看各種影片,創作力佳 掌握流量, 能抓住觀眾喜好 擅長短影音變現規劃 蒐集市場資
40K ~ 50K TWD / tháng
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Logo of 炙星投創 Starworks Entrepreneurial Venture Capital.
【關於炙星】 透過整合產官學研各方資源,培養具社會價值的團隊與人才,建構高度資源整合的新創生態系,培養在創業或就業皆能為社會貢獻價值之人才,創造正向循環。 每周固定於內部空間辦
35K ~ 45K TWD / tháng
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Managing 1-5 staff

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