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Logo of Pelith.
【投遞方式】:若您對這個職位感到興趣,請來信至 [email protected] 並且附上您的履歷,謝謝。 工作內容 在快速發展的區塊鏈領域,精實地嘗試與迭代新的區塊鏈應用。 與一群成長心態、喜歡挑戰並樂於學
50K ~ 80K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of MaiCoin.
主要負責開發和維護 EVM 相容區塊鏈節點,並培養相關技術經驗與人才,迄今為止,我們團隊已完成 Ethereum、Polygon、BSC、Ethereum Classic、Arbitrum 等區塊鏈的技術串接,以提供出入金等基本錢包需求。另外,我們團隊還將根據區塊
1M ~ 2M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 思考者咖啡.
的透明掛勾,建立基於區塊鏈的財務公開機制。 4/ 區塊鏈生態系統整合 結合現有區塊鏈平台(如 Ethereum、Polygon),部署與管理代幣系統。 確保代幣與內部系統的無縫整合。 5/ 數據分析與持續優化 追蹤代幣
29.01K ~ 34.56K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Mynavi 台灣邁那比股份有限公司.
■ 開発環境事例 ※Project毎に異なってくる可能性がございます ・言語:Go、Rust、Solidity等 ・Blockchain:Ethereum、Tendermint、CosmosSDK等 ・Webフレームワーク:go-kit等 ・RDBMS:MySQL ・ミドルウェア:gRPC、ElasticSearch ・インフラ:AWS(ECS、Aurora、ElasticSearchService、CloudHSM等) ・CI/DevOps:CircleCI、Terraform ・監視:Datadog ・ソースコー
7M ~ 12M JPY / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Hive Keychain Ltd..
Hive Keychain is the leading non-custodial crypto wallet on the Hive blockchain. We provide both browser extensions and mobile Apps to our 100,000+ users. To date, over 50 dApps rely on us to secure their users' transactions, and this number keeps growing. We are now planning to expand to other chains and become a multichain wallet. Our first step towards this goal will be to integrate EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) chains into our
70K ~ 100K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Prometheus Research Labs (PRL).
Responsibilities: Produce high quality, performant, and well-tested Solidity code Research and drive high-level decisions about smart contract systems and architecture Specify, implement, test, and review smart contract systems in Solidity Write specs and review PRs from teammates Work with teammates to thoroughly think through edge-cases and possible attack vectors Stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in Ethereum and DeFi Bonus: Preferred: Academic Degree in Computer Science or related
70K ~ 160K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 國際信任機器股份有限公司.
主要為後端程式開發(Java、Spring Boot為主),包含系統分析與設計、建置REST-ful API、資料庫相關CRUD、區塊鏈智能合約(Ethereum為主)系統整合串接等。具備大型高併發雲端系統、物聯網系統開發經驗佳。 ITM國際信任機器股
spring boot
40K ~ 60K TWD / month
No management responsibility
Logo of Atheneum Partners.
Are you a problem solver and a fast learner? Would you enjoy working in a fast-paced, entrepreneurial environment? Do you want to be part of a diverse and driven team striving for excellence? If the answer is yes, then keep reading! Who We Are: Atheneum is a leading global insights platform servicing various clients including distinguished strategy consulting firms, renowned investment houses and well known global corporations. Our mission is to provide faster insights to empower our clients
800 ~ 1K USD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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