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Logo of 碩誠國際股份有限公司.
工作內容: 1. 資料倉儲系統之資料分析、整理與資料處理之系統分析與設計 2. 專案系統需求訪談、分析、開發及測試作業規劃、執行、與管理
38K ~ 65K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 綠色遊戲有限公司.
1、參與資料庫的設計和實施工作; 2、負責專案中資料處理相關的大量腳本開發與報表開發工作; 3、負責測試、投產以及投產演練過程中的資料移轉工作。
600K ~ 1.8M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 吉貝克資訊科技有限公司.
1. 熟悉熟Oracle SQL,(PL/SQL)執行資料轉換及驗證。 2.熟练使用DataStage、Informatica等相關開發經驗 3. 配合公司專案需求至客戶端駐點銀行服務。
50K ~ 100K TWD / month
Logo of ZeNPulsar Ltd.
Main fields of development are : Classify posts and accounts from 12 sm/fintech platforms covered in order to get nuanced sentiment (e.g. bullish bots or long-short FOMO) towards more than 20k assets (stocks, etf, crypto) Classify accounts by their professionalism and stance to certain market strategies
100K ~ 120K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
的科技公司為目標。公司環境開放創新,鼓勵員工發揮創造力,實現職業理想。 JD: 1.銀行資料倉儲ETL批次維運管理、海內外倉儲數據整合與加值運用。 2.數據應用需求ETL開發與維運。 3.數據應
Data engineer
1M ~ 1.5M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Tata Consultancy Services_印度商塔塔顧問服務有限公司台灣分公司.
The Data Engineer will be a key contributor to our data warehouse modernization and data pipeline projects. This role demands a strong focus on high-quality coding, testing, and data architecture. The candidate will work closely with the Data Management Team to ensure data availability, quality, and security. Key Responsibilities: 1. SQL Expertise: • Mastery of SQL is essential, as many data transformations and ETL processes will be conducted using SQL. 2. Data Warehouse Modernization
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of helps fashion e-commerce uncover consumers' shopping preferences and provide personalized shopping experiences to consumers. We're making e-commerce merchants have enterprise-level AI backup on day 1. We are a rapidly growing B2B SaaS fashion tech startup that empowers fashion businesses with data-driven insights and advanced analytics. Our innovative platform enables fashion companies to optimize their operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive business growth. As a Data Eng
Data Engineering
ETL Workflow Design
840K ~ 1.2M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
穩定金融業,榮登 全球百大最有價值保險品牌 JD: 1.資料整合需求開發相關作業 2.報表及資料提供需求開發相關作業 3.專案及部門事項處理 4.批次作業規劃設計
Shell Script
800K ~ 1.3M TWD / year
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of MGR Consulting.
1.數據相關專案/需求規劃與執行,以及跨單位溝通協調。 2.配合業務需求訂定數據發展目標,以及年度預算編列與執行。 3.數據架構策略規劃與作業辦法訂定,以符合銀行內外規要求。 4
API Development
ETL Development
90K ~ 120K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Omnichat.
Omnichat (原Easychat)創辦於 2017年,是來自香港的新創企業,專注於發展全通路對話式商務 (Omnichannel Chat Commerce)。涉及技術和產品包括串接官網對話及整合不同社群通訊軟體, 跨渠道用戶數據追蹤,全通路線上線下 OMO 導購銷
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility

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