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Logo of SHOPLINE 商線科技.
【What you will be doing】 - 與客戶保持良好的溝通與關係,提供最好的服務品質與內容幫助客戶成功 - 深入了解 SHOPLINE 開店系統及生態圈服務,包含 SHOPLINE 物流、SHOPLINE Payments、Onewarehouse 智慧型物流倉儲、發票系統,進一步判斷客戶需求
38K+ TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Cooby 酷比數位科技股份有限公司.
We Are Cooby Cooby 100% 移植矽谷產品經驗及公司文化回台灣,希望能在台灣打造頂級團隊,共同面對世界級的舞台競爭! 為業務消息傳遞帶來可見性 我們正在創建一個新的產品類別,以解決當前的一個巨
40K ~ 60K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of SHOPLINE 商線科技.
SHOPLINE 全球智慧開店平台,創立於 2013 年,2014 年獲選加入矽谷 500 Startups 加速器計劃,是香港多年來第二間加入的團隊,2015 年正式進入台灣市場。SHOPLINE 是致力於協助品牌一舉創建、管理線上與線下商店的一站式智
CakeResume 2023 Career Fair
35K ~ 45K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 矽羽智慧電商 Sysfeather Co..
量行銷活動的效果,並根據數據洞察不斷優化行銷策略。 軟件應用和自動化 :熟悉並能夠有效利用Intercom, HotSpot, Salesforce, FreshSales和Zendesk等流行的行銷和客戶關係管理軟體,以提高團隊效率和客戶滿意度。 內容和社群經
600K ~ 1M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of QSearch.
▋ 工作內容 負責整理完成定期產業分析內容 協助規劃內容行銷主題 協助優化行銷渠道(社群平台、Intercom、EDM、活動) 協助優化內容 SEO 使用 Facebook 廣告系統實踐精準廣告投放
Google Analytics
Google Ads
Search console
25K ~ 30K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Qualcomm 高通半導體.
Qualcomm provides complete chipset solution that includes CPU, Modem, Application Processor, Multi-media engines, Interconnect and more. Power and performance are a key area that drives the value of our chips. As fabrication technology node shrinks, and performance requirement become higher, it is crucial to provide power and performance optimized solutions, which is the responsibility of the group that you will be working in.
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Google.
Minimum qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Electrical or Computer Engineering or equivalent practical experience. 6 years of experience with ARM-based System on a chip (SoCs), interconnects and Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) methodology. 5 years of experience with Register-Transfer Level (RTL) design using Verilog/System Verilog and microarchitecture. Experience with a coding language like Python or Perl. Preferred qualifications: Master's degree or PhD in Electrical Engineerin
Logo of Google.
Minimum qualifications: Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, a related field, or equivalent practical experience. 4 years of experience with Design Verification with 2 years in formal verification. Experience in verifying digital logic at RTL level using Systemverilog/UVM and FV Techniques. Experience with digital systems using standard IP components/interconnects (microprocessor cores, hierarchical memory subsystems). Preferred qualifications: Mas
Logo of Google.
Minimum qualifications: Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, or a related field, or equivalent practical experience. 3 years of experience in architecture, hardware, digital design, and software design. 2 years of experience in Verilog/SystemVerilog. Experience in computer architecture and digital design or Internet Protocol (IP) integration (e.g., Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe), Double Data Rate (DDR) memory). Preferred qualifica
Logo of Google.
Minimum qualifications: Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, or a related field, or equivalent practical experience. 8 years of experience with digital design in ASIC. 4 years of experience in people management. Experience with RTL design using Verilog/System Verilog and microarchitecture. Experience with ARM-based SoCs, interconnects, and ASIC methodology. Preferred qualifications: Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering.

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