Cake Job Search

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Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
Company Highlight 知名跨國科技製造公司,從AI、能源、伺服器、醫療、消費電子等皆有涵蓋涉略 We are the investment division of a leading technology company, dedicated to identifying and managing high-potential investment opportunities within the tech industry. 完整投資團隊,且資金豐富 對於投資分析、項目管理、基金分
Investment Management
1.5M ~ 3.5M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Great South Gate (GSG).
As an Operations Analyst based in Taiwan, you will be a key member in a team that rolls up its sleeves to ensure the optimal operation of our fast-growing platform. Working across teams – client coverage, trading, legal, compliance and technology – you will work closely with our Singapore team to manage and optimize client, trading, and accounting lifecycle processes, contribute to proprietary system development, and ensure regulatory compliance. Your responsibilities will be diverse, ranging fr
English language skills
Digital Assets
Digital Asset Management
65K ~ 115K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Great South Gate (GSG).
As an Operations Analyst based in Taiwan, you will be a key member in a team that rolls up its sleeves to ensure the optimal operation of our fast-growing platform. Working across teams – client coverage, trading, legal, compliance and technology – you will work closely with our Singapore team to manage and optimize client, trading, and accounting lifecycle processes, contribute to proprietary system development, and ensure regulatory compliance. Your responsibilities will be diverse, ranging fr
English language skills
Digital Assets
65K ~ 115K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of NGP_永鑫能源股份有限公司.
Managing and optimizing the performance of operational solar energy projects, focusing on maximizing financial returns by overseeing maintenance, monitoring production, managing contracts, and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations, often requiring a blend of technical knowledge about solar PV systems, financial acumen, and strong analytical skills to evaluate investment opportunities and asset performance within a solar portfolio. Key responsibilities may include: •Investment Management:
Asset Management
Asset Management Analyst
500K ~ 1M TWD / year
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of More.
More is an innovative fintech start-up focused on revolutionizing the wealth and investment management industry. We leverage cutting-edge technology and personalized strategies to empower individuals and organizations to achieve their financial goals. We're on a mission to make wealth management accessible, transparent, and efficient for everyone. We work with various asset suppliers in each asset class such VC, Crypto, PE, hedge funds, Real estate, Art… etc. to provide simple, yet customisable
100K ~ 160K USD / year
5 years of experience required
Managing 1-5 staff

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