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Logo of 神基科技.
本職缺為邊緣裝置的AI軟體應用開發, 其主要的職掌如下: 1. 研究開發與公司產品及相關周邊結合之AI應用 2. 地端AI模型整合與調校 3. 促進部門內部AI數位轉型 4. 建置軟體AI自動
900K ~ 1.2M TWD / year
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of KryptoGO Co., Ltd..
[Responsibilities] - Develop and maintain KryptoGO wallet: - Design and develop an embedded Wallet SDK with iOS/Android support. - Optimize for responsiveness and ensure a smooth user experience across all devices. - Integrate various blockchain RPCs to provide reliable wallet features. - Write unit tests, widget tests, and integration tests to ensure a high-quality application. - Build and maintain CI/CD flow for mobile development. - Ensure high performance
Flutter and Dart mobile SDK
Flutter App Developement
70K ~ 100K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 夯客股份有限公司.
認識 Kotlin 在後端開發的運用 設計並實作可擴展的系統架構 優化現有系統效能與程式碼品質 規劃與建立技術標準與開發規範 帶領團隊成員,提供技術指導與諮詢 評估
Spring Boot
1.44M ~ 2.4M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of CMoney全曜財經資訊股份有限公司.
對於自己接手的案子有很多改進的想法,但是卻因為你是個工程師而被打槍嗎? 想要有個團隊是以邏輯以及數據為主並且渴望幫助使用者,而不是被一些無趣的辦公室政治或者是無意義的妥
Android Development
90K ~ 130K TWD / month
5 years of experience required
Managing 5-10 staff
Logo of CMoney全曜財經資訊股份有限公司.
對於自己接手的案子有很多改進的想法,但是卻因為你是個工程師而被打槍嗎? 想要有個團隊是以邏輯以及數據為主並且渴望幫助使用者,而不是被一些無趣的辦公室政治或者是無意義的妥
Android Development
50K ~ 90K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
【Typical Accountabilities】 1. Manage development activities across mobile platforms, ensuring effective communication with FW, QA, framework, and support teams. 2. Experience with both iOS and Android platforms is required, with the ability to lead both sides of R&D. 3. Design technical roadmaps by evaluating software and hardware requirements, aiming for innovation and a stellar customer experience. 4. Tasks breakdown with the mobile team, framework lead, and PM to design solutions and
2M ~ 2.5M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
Managing 1-5 staff
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
主要工作內容為高流量電商網站的開發,我們熱烈尋找對電子商務有興趣及對技術有高度熱情的人才加入團隊! 🌟 積極尋找資訊相關科系畢業的 young potential 人才! 職務亮點: 🪄 知名上市集團 🪄 高流量
50K ~ 120K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Proxifile.
We are looking for highly technical individuals with a passion for entrepreneurship. We seek individuals who have the right combination of business acumen, technical ability, and product sense. Our Senior Software Engineers focus on building financial claim management platform and robotic process automation, with a scalable architecture optimized for performance. This team is always at the edge of building and experimenting with specialized user experiences with innovative features. We are a tea
Senior Backend Engineer
senior ​java engineer
400 ~ 600 TWD / hour
No management responsibility
Logo of SAT. KNOWLEDGE 知識衛星.
【職務內容】 1. Android App 的所有應用開發,以協助業務擴展
50K ~ 75K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 創見資訊股份有限公司.
[Department introduction 部門介紹] The Software team designs and builds APP solutions for dashcam, body camera and external storage products for Android. - DrivePro APP is designed for use with DrivePro dashcam featuring Wi-Fi connectivity, Live-view, File Browser, Media Player and Device Settings. - DrivePro Body APP is designed for the DrivePro Body cameras featuring Wi-Fi/Bluetooth connectivity, Live-view, File Browser, Media Player and Device Settings. - Elite App is designed for
60K ~ 75K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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