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Logo of 新數字有限公司.
1. 制定並執行增加品牌知名度、參與度和忠誠度的社群媒體營銷策略。 2. 創建引人入勝的內容,與我們的目標受眾,培養歸屬感。 3. 與跨部門團隊合作,確保社群媒體努力與整體品牌戰略一
Business Development
800K+ TWD / year
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of CreatorDB 美國融文國際營銷有限公司.
Introduction: CreatorDB is a dynamic startup specializing in influencer marketing SaaS solutions. Our platform is designed to empower brands and agencies to discover and collaborate with influencers seamlessly. As a rapidly growing company, we are looking for a talented SEO Content Marketing Intern to join our team and contribute to our mission of revolutionizing the influencer marketing landscape. Position Summary: As a SEO Content Marketing Intern at CreatorDB, you will assist in developing an
260 TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Acer 宏碁.
*請至Career Site投遞履歷,將優先錄取Career Site履歷 Please apply via Acer Career Site* 宏碁屹立市場超過40年,是一個國際化的自有品牌公司,全球員工超過8,000名,營運遍及世界超過
28.59K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Alphabit Fintech 阿爾法比特科技有限公司.
The Role We are seeking an experienced Marketing Manager to lead our marketing efforts full time. You are creative, digital, data-driven, and up for a challenge. As a Marketing Manager, you will be responsible for developing and executing comprehensive marketing strategies to increase brand awareness, drive user engagement, and grow our customer base. You will play a key role in shaping the voice of our brand and ensuring that our message resonates with our target audience
Twitter Marketing
Google Analytics
SEO Optimization
600K ~ 1M TWD / year
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 生榮行貿易有限公司.
這個職位會經歷跨國品牌iPaw進軍台灣0~1的過程 主要使命在於提升品牌在台灣市場價值並推廣出去 手上會有預算能規劃,不會是小品牌要一直想如何免費互惠 --初期專案-- 1.參與規劃台灣
Microsoft Office
500K ~ 700K TWD / year
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of uppeta 以沛有限公司.
◎ 關於你的角色及所屬團隊 uppeta 的 Project Team 為全球 Top 3 的大型企業體客戶提供專業服務,推動其 B2B Marketing 類型專案(包含但不限於企業高峰會、商務論壇、品牌盛典等 OMO 行銷活動),並以數據、創意、產品等多面
Project Management
Stakeholder Management
B2B Marketing
52K+ TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of aqualogy.
不僅僅只是沒有生病,融合生理、心理和群體的平衡,將是「新世代的 work-life balance」。如果你同樣喜歡用創意工作、對生活抱持新鮮感、甚至有一點怪,歡迎你加入我們的團隊讓新世代的生活風格更加精彩!
26K ~ 60K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
知名電商平台 尋找 Marketing Manager 制定並執行全方位行銷計畫,涵蓋活動、績效、成長策略以及社群 活動行銷 :設計年度促銷日曆,並有效配置行銷資源以達成目標。 成長行銷 :制定用戶生命週期策略並執行渠
EC Marketing
Brand Marketing
1M ~ 1.3M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
Managing 5-10 staff
Logo of Pierre Hermé_慕溏股份有限公司.
我們正在尋找一位充滿創意與熱情的品牌活動企劃專員,來加入我們的團隊!如果你對品牌行銷有著濃厚的興趣,並渴望在一個充滿活力的環境中發揮所長,那麼這個職位將是你的理想選擇。 工
30K ~ 35K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 庫作有限公司.
我們正在尋找一位充滿創意、數據導向的廣告投手,來加入我們充滿活力的團隊。 你將會負責 Cubework 在北美華人市場的廣告投放,包含北美市場經常使用的渠道,像是 Linkedin, Meta, Google, Twitter, Reddit 等。同時你也會負責中
Meta Business Suite
Reddit Marketing
45K ~ 50K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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