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Logo of 麻布數據科技股份有限公司.
「發票存摺APP」是一款最貼近生活的消費管理 App,目前已突破 750 萬次下載,發票張數達到 30 億+張,為國內發票應用 APP 第一名,並持續透過巨量資料分析與智能化推薦,串連用戶與品牌通路商,為消
MVVM Architecture
1.2M ~ 1.5M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
主要工作內容為高流量電商網站的開發,我們熱烈尋找對電子商務有興趣及對技術有高度熱情的人才加入團隊! 🌟 積極尋找資訊相關科系畢業的 young potential 人才! 職務亮點: 🪄 知名上市集團 🪄 高流量 x B2B2C
50K ~ 120K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 康彼斯顧問股份有限公司 | ConBiz Consulting.
工作內容 As a Software Engineer, you will be collaborating with outstanding UX designers, software architects, domain experts as well as industry-leading external partners to create innovative in-vehicle software solutions. You are responsible for the successful creation of software solutions by participating in multiple aspects of software development including solution design, implementation, automation, and continuous delivery and integration. • Responsible for application development and integra
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of ZIMA Inc..
開發、驗證的協作流程提出建議。 條件要求 (1) 必要技能 1.Swift(必備) 2.SwiftUI 3.Combine框架 4.懂MVC跟MVVM 5.會處理Memory leak等重要問題 需要有開發其他APP的經驗 加分項 - 會寫Unit Test - 會使用XCode Tool 像是instrument這
IOS Development
80K ~ 100K TWD / month
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 昕擎人力資源有限公司.
1. 具備優良的系統設計能力,對使用者體驗有專業而深刻的理解與實踐 2. 熟練運用一種主流的Javascript MVC 3. MVVM框架,如Vue、Angular、React等 4. 熟悉web系統的性能調優,熟練web系統debug技能 5. 熟悉各種
70K ~ 120K TWD / hour
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of KKday.
- 產業契機 危機就是轉機,KKday 在旅遊業受到covid-19 疫情的衝擊期間募得 C 輪 7500 萬美金逆勢成長,其最大的原因來自於我們對信仰的堅持、機會的渴望及充滿創造熱情的文化,我們堅信且證實了疫
CakeResume 2023 Career Fair
800K ~ 1.4M TWD / year
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of PT. Elevenia Digital Teknologi Sukses .
What you will do: Develop, support and evolve best in class mobile apps that will deliver rich experience to customers Works with internal technical teams to identify and build platform elements required to support key mobile product features Collaborate closely with UI designers, and multiple group of engineers to define and implement product features Evaluate opportunities to bring new product features and content to mobile users from a technical perspective Has a deep understanding of iOS, Ob
Objective C
IOS Development
4 years of experience required
Managing 1-5 staff
Logo of OpenNet 開網有限公司.
In this role, you have an opportunity for significant impact through your ability to increase developer efficiency and product quality through your work. You’ll play an impactful role to build mobile-first experiences Apps. Key Responsibilities ● Collaborate with Product Managers, Designers, and Backend Engineers to design and deliver high-quality products on Android. ● Build end-to-end features of the app: networking, persistence, business logic, and UI ● Build efficient and reusable mobile com
910K ~ 2M TWD / year
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 盈通管理顧問有限公司.
根據產品需求,進行合理的功能設計、代碼編寫及自測 負責客戶端重點技術升級,針對現下新技術的應用 需要有獨立開發作品經驗 (這份工作不需要自己單獨開發產品,可該經驗為必要性) 我們家
Android Studio
60K ~ 120K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of OpenNet 開網有限公司.
In this role, you have an opportunity for significant impact through your ability to increase developer efficiency and product quality through your work. You’ll play an impactful role to build mobile-first experiences Apps. Key Responsibilities ● Collaborate with Product Managers, Designers and Backend Engineers to design and deliver high-quality products on iOS ● Build end-to-end features of the app: networking, persistence, business logic, and UI ● Prepare and maintain documents that include a
910K ~ 2M TWD / year
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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