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Logo of MetAI 宇見智能科技股份有限公司.
當客戶與內部團隊之間的溝通橋樑,確保信息傳遞準確無誤。協調各部門資源,解決專案中出現的各種問題。 As a Project Manager at MetAI, you will support the company's business development, manage and execute various projects, and serve as a communication bridge between clients and the company. You will be involved in
1.1M ~ 1.8M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Morgan Philips Group.
1. Develop comprehensive project plans that merge stakeholder requirements and coordinate development resource for entire project cycle. 2. Define project scope, roles, and measurable deliverables with resource optimization 3. Identify and analyze requirements and translate to technical solutions and actionable items 4. Responsible to complex problem management and design processes for project deliveries and maintenances 5. Maintain project timeline, estimations, and progress reports 6. Anticipa
Project Manager
1.4M ~ 1.8M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 伊斯酷軟體科技股份有限公司.
Responsibilities for Project Manager Lead Lead and guide the project management team, including project managers and related professionals, to ensure they achieve high efficiency and performance levels. Responsible for formulating and executing project management strategies to ensure the achievement of project goals and delivery schedules. Oversee project progress, ensuring projects proceed as planned, and promptly identify and address potential issues or risks. Communicate with clients, underst
80K ~ 200K TWD / month
5 years of experience required
Managing 1-5 staff
Logo of Damen|大門科技顧問有限公司.
【關於我們】 與全球十大平台網站合作,在交易、安全和區塊鏈產品創新方面提供一流的服務體驗。 我們的產品研發團隊自成立以來一直秉承用戶至上和安全至上的理念,產品不斷更新迭代,技術
1.6M ~ 2.3M TWD / year
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 三宏科技股份有限公司 Trident.
# 工作說明 1. 與專案客戶溝通,幫客戶將天馬行空的幻想找出具體可行的方法 客戶說我想要開發一個線上購物網站,PM 則要反問他所以你是想要有一個可以上架商品的網站,以及購物車,和
1M ~ 1.4M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
專案執行與管理 履約爭議處置 工程發包及監造作業 產出竣工文件及相關圖說 協助開發 3rd Party 合作機制 保固、維護及售後服務管理 協助業務端開發階段之估價作業
1.6M ~ 2M TWD / year
10 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 思量科技有限公司.
1. 能夠將產品概念轉換為用戶流程、線框稿、模型、規格,並撰寫清晰的相關文件。 2. 與設計師合作定義字體、配色、功能、交互方式等設計要素。 3. 與工程師緊密合作,討論合理可執行的時程,並在
80K ~ 120K TWD / month
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Hour Loop 飛輪電商.
團隊,入職後有兩個月針對亞馬遜平台等完整教育訓練。通過考核後依據部門類別晉升或轉任職務。 晉升為 營運部 專案經理(Operation Department - Project Manager) :與業務團隊合作,支援產品後台營運,必備技能是獨立解決問
Looker Studio
Logo of 街口電子支付股份有限公司.
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Hour Loop 飛輪電商.
團隊,入職後有兩個月針對亞馬遜平台等完整教育訓練。通過考核後依據部門類別晉升或轉任職務。 晉升為 營運部 專案經理(Operation Department - Project Manager) :與業務團隊合作,支援產品後台營運,必備技能是獨立解決問

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