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Logo of 街口電子支付股份有限公司.
As an SDET at JKOpay, you will collaborate with RD and PM teams to conduct test development in your area of responsibility according to the project's progress. In addition to project tasks, you will assist with app-related release matters. Lastly, you will work together to maintain technical projects specific to SDET and optimize existing frameworks and processes. We expect you to possess strong communication skills, teamwork abilities, problem-solving capabilities, resilience under pressure, ad
1.1M+ TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 宇林國際科技顧問有限公司.
熟悉測試理論/方法/概念 - APP 與Web 網站系統功能、相容性、效能、壓力測試、產品可靠測試經驗 - 熟悉容器化開發技術 - E2E 自動化測試框架 (Selenium) - Jenkins、CI/CD 自動部署測試經驗 - 熟悉各類工具使用 (Postman) - 熟悉 Pytest
33K ~ 45K TWD / month
No management responsibility
Logo of 街口電子支付股份有限公司.
As an SDET at JKOpay, you will collaborate with RD and PM teams to conduct test development in your area of responsibility according to the project's progress. In addition to project tasks, you will assist with app-related release matters. Lastly, you will work together to maintain technical projects specific to SDET and optimize existing frameworks and processes. We expect you to possess strong communication skills, teamwork abilities, problem-solving capabilities, resilience under pressure, ad
900K+ TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Pixl Solutions 像素數科技術有限公司.
關於團隊: 你所在的測試團隊為我們自主研發的擁有千萬級別用戶的App產品提供全方位的測試支持。我們產品由分布在全球範圍的技術研發菁英們,組成一支熟悉雲端與各項微服務、能夠快速
QA Testing
QA Engineer
1M ~ 1.8M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 動見科技 OmniEyes.
測試流程等) - 輔助團隊成員,確保各進度時程能準時交付 - 設計和建立產品QA 自動化基礎設施,並帶領測試團隊導入 API / UI 之自動化測試 ◎《Requirements》◎ - 精通python/pytest/selenium -有自動測試經驗 - 3年以上的管理
8 years of experience required
Managing 1-5 staff
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
回歸測試,以確保產品品質。 與各部門溝通,確保測試工作的有效性和完整性。 持續學習並應用新的測試工具和策略。 具備開發UI & API自動化測試經驗,尤其是熟悉Python stack (e.g. Cypress, Selenium, Robot, Pytest) 者優先考慮。
1M ~ 1.8M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Wavv.
程師可以兼職,遠程工作。因為Wavv的CTO在台北,所以台灣地區都可以,台北優先考慮。 5+ years experience in backend system / server side development 5+ years experience in Python Familiar with: * Distributed systems * Container architecture (docker, kubernette) * API design (restful, graph) * Data pipeline * Web framework (flask, django) * Cloud environment (AWS, Google CLoud) * Test framework (unittest, pytest) * Version control (Git)
570 ~ 640 TWD / hour
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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