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Logo of 夯客.
1.協助建立測試環境、執行測試 2.撰寫自動化測試流程與個案 3.與團隊溝通,分析與探討錯誤原因與改進方式 4.有SaaS軟體產品經驗 5.有iOS和Android自動化測試框架經驗 6.具備搭建
QA Testing
50K ~ 80K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 群健科技股份有限公司Cofit Healthcare Inc..
★ 關於 Cofit Hi,我們是 Cofit,正在打造一個橫跨台灣、美加、中國大陸和東南亞的跨境健康平台,把台灣優秀的醫療和服務輸出,幫助世界各地華人輕鬆減肥、健身、遠離三高! 熱情邀請對網路、健康美食有興
Automation Testing
60K ~ 90K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of inline 樂排股份有限公司.
inline is a rapidly growing software solutions company focused in restaurant ordering, delivery, and CRM. Companies including Google, Apple, Instagram, FB, and Uber use our web services and applications, and work with us behind the scenes to make the global food ordering industry go. Would you like to work on a global platform that serves thousands of businesses and 140M+ users across APAC? That's what we do. inline is a low-key company that puts
40K ~ 80K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 知識發展股份有限公司.
Hi { 擅長找到問題、超強分析+邏輯力的測試人員/Engineer } 你好~ 我們是一個部分遠端的團隊,每個人各司其職都是高手,團隊氣氛非常融洽、開發流程成熟且順暢,我們在每一個 sprint 中彼此幫助、一起合作,持
Jira . Scrum . Agile
JIRA Confluence
Figma (Software)
60K ~ 85K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of inline 樂排股份有限公司.
inline is a rapidly growing software solutions company focused in restaurant ordering, delivery, and CRM. Companies including Google, Apple, Instagram, FB, and Uber use our web services and applications, and work with us behind the scenes to make the global food ordering industry go. Would you like to work on a global platform that serves thousands of businesses and 140M+ users across APAC? That's what we do. inline is a low-key company that puts
Manual Testing
QA Engineer
QA testing軟體測試
100K ~ 180K TWD / month
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of AmazingTalker.
行通知。 About the Role 作為我們的「 QA 測試工程師 」,我們將提供您從入門到進階的培訓資源,讓您從基本的 QA 測試執行開始,逐步成長為可以獨立設計最適合產品、全面支援驗證流程的 QA 專家,擁有參與產
QA Testing
QA Plan and Strategy
QA Engineering
35K ~ 60K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of TREVI 特雷維科技.
1、設計、撰寫測試計劃及測試案例,並產出報告。 2、執行系統相關測試,紀錄並回報測試結果。 3、管理專案軟體bug、追蹤及驗證。 4、完善及優化測試流程。 5、負責網頁 / iOS / Android 用戶端應用的功能測試、相
600K ~ 1.3M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 光速未來有限公司.
✔️ 主要工作職責與職務內容: 1、理解需求,規劃完整測試案例、執行,並整理結果。 2、執行測試,報告測試問題並跟進問題進展,協助開發人員對問題進行重現和定位。 3、使用不同作業系統、瀏覽器、手持
K6 Load Testing
500K ~ 1.4M TWD / year
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 牧羊人集團暨汪喵星球.
QA Automation
QA Testing
Logo of 八次元球有限公司.
流程,提升測試效率與穩定性 建立測試流程與測試樣本,包括業務邏輯驗證與安全漏洞檢測 透過QA指標監控產品品質,實現對測試環境和工具的高效管理 定期進行測試報告的撰寫與提交,為技
600K ~ 1M TWD / year
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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