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Logo of gogoout.
願意提出,必會有願意展開討論的人。 ▌聰明且想法豐富的夥伴 共事的過程中,除了充實的討論,偶爾還會加入幾滴幽默感。 |職位描述 1. 使用 React Native 和 Expo 框架開發 iOS 和 Android 平台的移動應用 2. 與跨
960K ~ 1.55M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of WORD UP.
期待與我們一起推動數位學習革命,我們歡迎你的加入! ▋你將負責的工作 [重點項目] 開發和維護 React Native App 開發及維護其他 React Web 專案 規劃和實作高複用性的元件 與軟體開發團隊成員密集合作: 目
50K ~ 65K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 康彼斯顧問股份有限公司 | ConBiz Consulting.
1. 二年以上有實務以React Native開發 iOS 或 Android App經驗 2. 維護現有產品、以及和團隊開發人員協作持續開發新功能 3. 精通Javascript 4. 熟悉下列任一語言或框架 Objective-C、Swift、React Native、MobX、Java、Rest 5. 熟悉 MVC / MVP /
React Native
900K ~ 1.4M TWD / year
4 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 闇翼科技有限公司.
我們正在尋找一位具備豐富經驗的 Full Stack React Native Developer,負責獨立開發與維護專注於 Video Chat 的行動應用。此職位需確保應用具備流暢的使用者體驗與穩定的後端功能,並具備 React Native(前端)與 Node.js、MySQL(後端)開
React Native
1.2M ~ 1.5M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
簡介 公司有兩大業務方向,其一是平台軟體開發開發,僅服務企業端的客戶需求; 我們致力於高品質的平台前後端軟體製作,此軟體將售出於代理商,再由代理商或是客戶端進行該平台的營運。我
React Native
1M ~ 1.7M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of BeeInventor 點子建有限公司.
Build and deploy high quality IOS apps, Android apps and web apps with Flutter/React Native. (mobile, tablets and web) Collaborate closely with backend, streaming, and QA teams to integrate features and resolve technical issues. Work with the design team to create pixel-perfect UI/UX. Conduct unit testing and integration testing to ensure app reliability. Ensure the performance, quality, and responsiveness of applications. Follow agile development methodologies for iterative and incremental deve
React Native
Mobile Application Development
60K ~ 80K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of MyTime.
The Company MyTime is an American internet startup that offers a fully integrated appointment scheduling, payments and automated marketing platform, specializing in large multi-location chains and franchises. Our mission critical software -- which includes in-store scheduling and online booking, client record management, email and SMS marketing, and a full point of sale for handling payments -- is used in every aspect of the customer journey. Our customers rely on their service businesses to rem
react native
2M ~ 2.5M TWD / year
4 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of WORD UP.
文化面、以及一些協作觀念,請參照 公司介紹頁面 😀 這邊以職缺細節為主 🚀 請擁有至少 3 年前端工程師工作經驗和 1 年以上 React Native 應用程式開發經驗。 「用科技輔助學習」是公司的核心理念。所以「軟
65K ~ 100K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
Managing 1-5 staff
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
「我們不怕你天馬行空的想法,只怕你沒想法!」 < 5個你應該的理由> 1. 團隊炫酷:成員年輕有熱情,每一刻都有好玩新奇的事物在發生。充滿實驗精神的工作環境! 2. 自我成長: 鼓勵每個人提出自
React Native
Cross-platform Development
50K ~ 80K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
我們鼓勵創意、熱情開創、嘗試各種可能! 如果你具有滿腔熱血,希望能成為社會的正面力量,歡迎對新媒體有熱情、具有創業精神的你,一起加入我們的行列! 職務需求 負責構建基於 React Native 實現的 iOS & Android
React Native
70K ~ 85K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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