Cake Job Search

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Logo of Cake.
Cake 正在找專案管理、公共關係與政府採購方面的人才!這位夥伴將負責找尋適合與 Cake 合作的公部門相關投標案,撰寫創新且具競爭力的提案,協調內部資源以確保專案順利執行,並與政府機構、基
Social Impact
Project Management
Tender Management
480K ~ 840K TWD / year
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 新加坡商犀牛盾科技股份有限公司.
[General Responsibilities] 1. Plan and execute content strategies tailored to the designated markets, including but not limited to France, Germany, Spain, US, and South Korea, incorporating company initiatives, recent events and cultural nuances. 2. Localize international events according to the company calendar. 3. Collaborate with brand, Go-To-Market colleagues & (Internal/ External) influencer team members to tailor content for designated social media platforms to drive brand awareness and/ o
40K ~ 80K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 浪鏈數位傳媒股份有限公司.
★About NONE LAND 浪鏈?我們是 NONE LAND 浪鏈,Web3 世界裡最有趣、最新手友善的新世代媒體品牌。 除了官方網站外,我們還有經營 IG 、Tik Tok 等社群。 官方網站: IG: ★來 NONE LAND,能得到什麼? “NONE
200 TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Garis Temu.
Responsible for the Social Strategy for clients, including engagement and providing related information. Monitor interactions across all social media accounts, including comments, direct messages, and mentions. Plan Instagram story content for each brand. Analyze the performance of each brand's account to provide actionable insights. Collaborate with the Strategist team to produce brand-aligned content.
1.5M+ IDR / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 新加坡商立可人事顧問有限公司台灣分公司 Recruit Express (Taiwan).
投遞前請先至以下平台瀏覽我們的公司文化 Facebook Instagram Medium (顧問心得分享) Podcast (立可職場文化) 【公司介紹】 新加坡商立可人事隸屬於新加坡最大且唯一上市的獵才集團HRnetgroup,總公司位於新加坡,分別於台北信
190 TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Memopresso Taiwan.
MEMOPRESSO 致力於提供新一代的回憶保存與分享體驗,於亞洲已經超過 100 個線下零售通路站點,每月能接觸百萬以上人群,近期更入選為 LINE Taiwan 的新星計畫、輔導韓式拍貼機-Snapshot妞拍貼、Tagnology社群行銷工具、自助
Data Analysis
183 ~ 200 TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 每日幣研.
【工作內容】 協助推特貼文、Telegram 頻道以及 Threads 等頻道上之貼文產出。 根據自身有興趣的主題,尋找及整理相關內容素材(總經、鏈上數據、迷因文化、監管、公鏈、DeFi 等) 協助經營官方 Telegram 群,在每天數千則訊息中
Community Management
200 ~ 220 TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
- Tiếp nhận e-mail, in-app chat liên quan đến khúc mắc từ phía người dùng liên quan đến các vấn đề chính sách dịch vụ sàn TMĐT: chương trình khuyến mại, sự cố phát sinh… và thực hiện phúc đáp dựa trên nội dung đã được hướng dẫn. - Thực hiện lưu chuyển các trường hợp khiếu nại, hoặc những trường hợp khó đến bộ phận chuyên trách hoặc có thẩm quyền cao hơn.
9.5M ~ 10M VND / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of CreatorDB 美國融文國際營銷有限公司.
Introduction: CreatorDB is a dynamic startup specializing in influencer marketing SaaS solutions. Our platform is designed to empower brands and agencies to discover and collaborate with influencers seamlessly. As a rapidly growing company, we are looking for a talented Social Media Marketing Intern to join our team and contribute to our mission of revolutionizing the influencer marketing landscape. Position Summary: As a Social Media Marketing Intern at CreatorDB, you will assist in developing
260 TWD / hour
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 燦通國際資產管理股份有限公司.
工作經歷:半年以上或曾在校實習。 學歷要求:大學以上。 科系要求:不拘。 語言條件:中文母語,英文普通以上。 工作技能:直式影片拍攝/腳本撰寫企劃/社群文案撰寫/簡易圖文製作/社群媒體維護
185 ~ 250 TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility

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