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Logo of (美商)優力國際安全認證有限公司 (UL Solutions Taiwan).
【Job Function】 1. Energy & Solar之客戶, 維護客戶關係 2. 提供客戶服務與諮詢, 制作報價, 達成業績目標 3. 蒐集客戶和市場訊息, 制定銷售計劃, 並及時跟進 4. 根據市場與銷售宣傳工作計劃的分工, 協助各
40K ~ 55K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Campaign Planning & Execution: Plan, execute, and manage marketing campaigns, including promotions, product launches, and events, aligning them with sales objectives. Brand and Digital Presence Management: Strengthen TSS’s brand image through targeted campaigns and maintain a consistent online presence across the website, social media, and digital advertising. Content Creation and Engagement: Collaborate with internal teams to create compelling PR content (articles, videos, events) and develop e
Microsoft Office
8 ~ 15 VND / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 立創光電股份有限公司.
1. 光學/光路/光機的分析與設計 2. 具備分析與選擇光學元件/材料之經驗技巧,並跟催發包採購/管理相關光學料件 3. 具備測試、驗證模擬之光學系統,並作系統優化 4. 需撰寫英
optical engineer
solar technology engineer
photoelectric engineer
38K ~ 62K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 恆光計劃股份有限公司 Lyght Co., Ltd..
Lyght is looking for a technical leader with a passion for entrepreneurship, technology, FinTech and also looking to play a role towards a greener future. We come from an international background with multiple cultures, languages and celebrating diversity. Candidate should enjoy working in a fun, respectable and high growth environment. Want to be a founding engineer of a very exciting Fintech/GreenTech startup. Are an experienced full stack web developer who’s had success building
1.4M ~ 1.68M TWD / year
Logo of 立思資本股份有限公司.
Investment Analyst 投資分析師 【 這份職務的工作內容 】 1. 研究公司投資領域相關之產業趨勢及市場現況 2. 針對潛在投資標的之公司、產業和地域等進行盡職調查 3. 建立投資組合模型,對潛在標的進行
40K ~ 120K TWD / month
No management responsibility
Logo of 寶晶能源股份有限公司.
1. 案場現勘。 2. 太陽能電廠土木或機電規劃設計。 3. 檢視工程設計圖、施工圖及相關資料,進行必要修正,以符合設計概念。 4. 估算報價及廠商詢價。
31K ~ 50K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 循旭科技股份有限公司.
【技術展望】 循旭科技(RePV Tech, Inc.)擁有世界首創全循環太陽能技術,我們目標是建立全球最低碳的太陽能產業生態鏈。我們要建立新世代全循環太陽能電廠,實現太陽能模組銀、玻璃和矽晶片的高
2024 ESG
52K ~ 82K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
Managing staff numbers: not specified
Logo of 福森能源科技有限公司.
職務說明 1.太陽能電廠設置前現勘及丈量 2.太陽能電廠定期維護保養及異常排除 3.太陽能電廠施工時需協助監造太陽能設備安裝 4.主管交辦事項 5.工程監造及工程管理 6.
32K ~ 38K TWD / month
No management responsibility
Logo of 日益能源股份有限公司.
1.工作態度積極、抗壓性高、學習力強、具企圖心 2.具工程包商之整合及管理能力 3.需配合專案需要,出差或進駐各專案或地區 4.需配合工作進度調班/加班 5.具機電工程系統規劃
Microsoft Office
33K ~ 43K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 碩達系統股份有限公司.
1. 資訊系統架構規劃, 安裝與維護 2. 各廠牌伺服器與儲存設備的安裝建置 3. 系統整合分析 4. 網路系統安裝與配置 5. 網路環境測試 6. 軟體整合測試 7. Windows, Linux 作業系統操作 8.
30K+ TWD / month

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