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Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
主要工作內容為高流量電商網站的開發,我們熱烈尋找對電子商務有興趣及對技術有高度熱情的人才加入團隊! 🌟 積極尋找資工資管相關科系畢業的潛力人才 職務亮點: 🪄 知名上市集團 🪄 高
50K ~ 120K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of CMoney全曜財經資訊股份有限公司.
對於自己接手的案子有很多改進的想法,但是卻因為你是個工程師而被打槍嗎? 想要有個團隊是以邏輯以及數據為主並且渴望幫助使用者,而不是被一些無趣的辦公室政治或者是無意義的妥
iOS Development
40K ~ 90K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
【Typical Accountabilities】 1. Manage development activities across mobile platforms, ensuring effective communication with FW, QA, framework, and support teams. 2. Experience with both iOS and Android platforms is required, with the ability to lead both sides of R&D. 3. Design technical roadmaps by evaluating software and hardware requirements, aiming for innovation and a stellar customer experience. 4. Tasks breakdown with the mobile team, framework lead, and PM to design solutions and
2M ~ 2.5M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
Managing 1-5 staff
Logo of 雄獅集團_雄獅資訊科技.
1. 使用原生開發語言(Swift)維護及開發既有 iOS APP Apple store: 2. 實作符合使用者經驗的 APP 前端互動設計。 3. 負責行動裝置、 APP 前端程式撰寫 ,維護並優化頁面效能 。 4
40K ~ 60K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 胡了資訊設計企業股份有限公司.
Overview: This role is for an experienced engineer with proven history in architecting and implementing modern iOS applications. This role will work closely with the rest of a small startup team to bring the first phase of the MoreHarvest roadmap to life. In this role, you will have both the freedom to make decisions regarding the design and implementation of the MoreHarvest application, as well as the responsibility to ensure that best practices are followed in coding standards
120K ~ 130K TWD / month
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Damen|大門科技顧問有限公司.
【關於我們】 與全球十大平台網站合作,在交易、安全和區塊鏈產品創新方面提供一流的服務體驗。 我們的產品研發團隊自成立以來一直秉承用戶至上和安全至上的理念,產品不斷更新迭代,技術
1.2M ~ 1.9M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Lctech_雷麒科技有限公司.
【職務內容】 - 負責 iOS APP 開發、維護與優化 - 與 PM 、UI/UX 設計師合作,評估、規劃並實作開發專案 - 編寫產品相關的技術開發文檔和技術維護方案 - 標配MAC電腦 (本職務工作地點位於桃園) 【公司福利】 勞健保
590K ~ 890K TWD / year
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Tomofun 寵物AIoT科技新創.
【投遞方式】 請至 投遞履歷,我們會優先考慮這邊收到的履歷。 【 About the company 】 Tomofun是一間國際化的寵物科技新創公司,我們熱愛毛孩和科技,致力於帶給全世界寵物飼主源源不絕的歡樂
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
About the role: As part of our team, you will focus on developing best-in-class iOS applications using a modern tech stack. Our apps are built entirely in Swift and follow an MVVM architecture. We rely heavily on RxSwift and are incorporating more SwiftUI across the project. Experience with reactive programming and SwiftUI is a plus. The difference you will make: Collaborate closely with members of tech & product in a cross-functional feature team to
1M+ TWD / year
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Tomofun 寵物AIoT科技新創.
【Application Channel】 Please apply via: 【 About the company 】 At Tomofun, we LOVE pets and technology. Our vision is to bring joy and innovation to every pet lover in the world. We are pioneers in the pet tech industry. Our debut product, Furbo - the world's first AIoT treat-tossing dog camera, is the #1 bestseller on Amazon in 15 countries including the US, UK and JP and
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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