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Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
1.Creating verification plans of complex digital design blocks by fully understanding the design specification and interacting with design engineers to identify important verification scenarios. 2.Create verification environments using SystemVerilog, SystemC or UVM. 3.Identify and write all types of coverage measures for stimulus and corner-cases. 4.Debug tests with design engineers to deliver functionally correct design blocks. 5. Close coverage measures to identify verification holes and to sh
3M ~ 4M TWD / year
10 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Google.
Google welcomes people with disabilities. Minimum qualifications: Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or equivalent practical experience. 2 years of software development experience. Experience with C/C++ programming. Preferred qualifications: Experience in SystemC or RTL. Experience in software-based architecture simulators or FPGA/ASIC-based emulation platforms. Experience with performance evaluation for mobile devices. Experience with computer architecture, especiall
Job Responsibilities: Application Service Deployment: Responsible for deploying various application services and performing day-to-day operations to ensure service availability and stability. Business System Monitoring and Maintenance: Monitor business systems daily, promptly address faults, and document fault reports to ensure the normal operation of business systems with emergency response capabilities. Security Operations: Execute system vulnerability patches, disaster recovery, data backup,
1K ~ 1.8K USD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 動見科技 OmniEyes.
動見科技從影像 AI 演算法開發到使用者網站平台,打造一個為商業車隊賦能的車隊管理服務,並逐步擴大服務面向。這套已經獲得國內外大型企業採用的解決方案正在尋求一位有經驗的 Android開
Android Application Development
Embedded Systems
Kotlin Coroutines
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of TRON DAO.
Job Responsibilities: 1. Design and implement distributed systems with high throughput and tens of millions of active users. 2. Public chain related R&D. 3. Architecture design.
1.5M ~ 2.5M TWD / year
4 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 愛比科技.
1. 企業版License Portal前後端程式開發 2. API 程式開發串接 3. 資訊專案支援(官網、內部系統串接...) 4.其他主管交代事項
75K ~ 85K TWD / month
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of HUNG YANG SOFTWARE TECH. CO., LTD._鴻揚科技有限公司.
如果你有系統開發經驗,並符合以下任一情形? 痛恨需求改來改去,覺得自己更能第一線管控需求與規劃流程。 喜歡與人溝通多於開發,喜歡解決客戶商業流程問題。 未來想往專案經理發展,想要進
50K ~ 70K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Horus Technology Indonesia.
Kualifikasi: Mahasiswa aktif atau Fresh Graduate jurusan Teknik Informatika / Teknologi Informasi / Sistem Informatika / Ilmu Komputer Domisili area Yogyakarta/Bersedia ditempatkan di Yogyakarta Menguasai minimal salah satu bahasa pemrograman (PHP/PYTHON/JAVA/VueJS) Menguasai DBMS MySQL dan Postgree Jujur dan memiliki kemauan untuk terus belajar Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik Dapat bekerja sama dalam tim Memiliki kemampuan problem solving yang baik Memiliki analytical thinking yang baik
500K ~ 1M IDR / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Celestica Malaysia.
Job Overview: 1. This job is expected to build system architecture for Server & Storage products: 2. Talk with the external and the front end team, understand market/customer requirements to define system architecture for Server & Storage products. Major Duties & Responsibilities: 1. Lead technical proposal for customer RFQs 2. Define white box products’ architecture and elaborate detail requirements 3. Lead system level building blocks 4. Join critical trouble shooting and provide suggestion
15K ~ 24K MYR / month
10 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 四零四科技股份有限公司.
工作內容 獨立開發穩定、可靠的IoT嵌入式網通產品 獨立負責設計並優化軟體架構,帶給客戶使用產品的極致體驗 根據軟體設計規格實作、驗證及維護嵌入式系統軟體 能分析複雜技術問題並提
Embedded Systems
7 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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