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Logo of 適才科技 URFiT Tech.
支援更多種內容的類型、開發更簡易使用的後台等等,目標成為內容產業中的指標型工具,正如同 Wordpress 之於 CMS、Salesforce 之於 CRM 一般。 在我們的團隊中十分講求透明,不論是開發上遇到的困難、溝通上遇到的
800K ~ 1M TWD / year
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 禮品購 - 禮品客製.
Designing Themes & UI with best practices Designing and implementing new features and functionality Establishing and guiding the website’s architecture Ensuring high-performance and availability, and managing all technical aspects of the CMS Helping formulate an effective, responsive design and turning it into a working theme and plugin
Wordpress Developer
5M ~ 9M IDR / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 禮品購 - 禮品客製.
1. WordPress + WooCommerce +Plugins 架設、維護及數據串接。 2. SEO 優化,包含:關鍵字部署規劃、內部連結調整、頁面結構、外部鏈結建設...等,提升 GOOGLE 自然排名。 3. 具 PHP , Java 程式開發能力。 4. 此職缺可能轉為正職,兼
Wordpress Developer
44K ~ 66K TWD / piece rate
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Medals Award.
Designing and implementing new features and functionality Establishing and guiding the website’s architecture Ensuring high-performance and availability, and managing all technical aspects of the CMS Helping formulate an effective, responsive design and turning it into a working theme and plugin Medals Award | Customized gifts
Wordpress Development
WordPress Website Building
5M ~ 9M IDR / month
2 years of experience required
Managing staff numbers: not specified
Logo of 禮品紅 Red Gift.
1. WordPress + WooCommerce +Plugins 架設、維護及數據串接。 2. SEO 優化,包含:關鍵字部署規劃、內部連結調整、頁面結構、外部鏈結建設...等,提升 GOOGLE 自然排名。 3. 具 PHP , Java 程式開發能力。 4. 此職缺可能轉為正職,兼
Wordpress Web Design
WordPress Developer
Wordpress Development
13K ~ 29K TWD / piece rate
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Công Ty TNHH Truyền Thông SEOVIP.
- Lập trình được Theme, Plugin trên WordPress. - Chịu trách nhiệm phát triển Thiết kế Website, Landing Page, .... - Chuyển giao diện từ PSD sang HTML. - Có khả năng Responsive Design (desktop, tablet, mobile) - Nắm rõ quy chuẩn về màu sắc, khoảng cách, Layout,... - Biết sáng tạo hình ảnh minh họa, infographic,... - Chỉnh sửa thiết kế theo feedback của khách hàng.
8M ~ 15M VND / month
1 years of experience required
Managing 5-10 staff
Logo of 植癒鮮香皂工作室.
我們需要能遠端進行WordPress 網站維護的人才,有時網站會出現一些狀況需要排除,工作非常單純,只聚焦在WordPress 網站維護正常運作或是加我們的line詢問工作內容,ID:a28973150
200 ~ 250 TWD / hour
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of PT. Bina Bisnis Megacomputindo.
Designing and implementing new features and functionality Establishing and guiding the website’s architecture Ensuring high-performance and availability, and managing all technical aspects of the CMS Helping formulate an effective, responsive design and turning it into a working theme and plugin
Wordpress Development
4M ~ 7M IDR / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 專注科技系統有限公司.
專注科技系統有限公司 我們是資訊服務公司 服務對象為中小企業 業務性質包含 網站建置、客製程式開發、Wordpress網站建置... 等 工作內容 使用Wordpress建置網站/活動網站 需熟悉 HTML/CSS 樂於學習 製
30K ~ 40K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 點子數位科技有限公司.
容: 1.與UI/UX設計師、後端工程師、PM等相關人員合作,開發網頁前端互動功能與效果。 2.熟稔Wordpress各項操作,並會使用elementor切板架站。 3.具備RWD概念與實務經驗。 4.具良好理解力及溝通協調能
35K ~ 40K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility

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