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Logo of 1111獵才顧問中心Executive Recruiting Consultancy Dept..
產業類別: 電腦/週邊設備製造 職責要求 A. Branding • Devise strategies and plans for global brand initiatives and campaigns • Develop a comprehensive execution plan with centralized performance tracking • Manage all aspects, including material creation and online/offline branding activities • Evaluate and report on campaign success to ensure optimal ROI B. Channel marketing • Define and develop a channel marketing framework and guidelines that are feasible across regions • Align
Branding and Marketing
1M ~ 1.5M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
Managing staff numbers: not specified
Logo of 好翔依起玩工作室.
----------【工作內容】---------- 1. 文案、腳本撰寫,了解對大眾議題、泛流量有精準的網感。 2. 協助創作者有效地經營自己的社交媒體。 3. 社群管理與發文 4. 簡易影片製作 5. 執行其他主管交辦的相關工作
31K ~ 45K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 驊哥電腦-3C電商品牌.
萬的廣告預算 工作內容包含: 1. 品牌、數位行銷社群經營、電商活動規劃、執行 2. 企劃發想:網路社群平台、網路行銷及影片,有創意的發想提案能力 3. 品牌異業合作:KOL、Blogger、口碑行銷洽談與執行
行銷 / 公關 / 媒體 (例:Growth Hacker,內容行銷,社群經營)

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