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Logo of inline 樂排股份有限公司.
Inline helps tens of thousands of people working in restaurants around APAC serve well over 100M customers, and to serve 1 billion+ people we need some more design help - that's where you come in. We create and sell productivity software for busy restaurant and retail staff, managers, owners, brand managers, and enterprise teams. In a rapidly changing environment, inline is giving restaurants and retailers control of their future, by helping these merchants achieve higher operating margins
85K ~ 120K TWD / month
6 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 富果 Fugle(Fintech).
成設計需求,包括製作完整且清晰的使用者流程圖 (User Flow)、線框圖及設計原型 (Wireframe & Prototype)與設計規格文件 (Design Specification Document)。 不定期參與用戶研究活動(如用戶訪談、數據分析等),掌握目標用戶的痛點與行為模式,以產
User Interface Design
User Experience Design
980K ~ 1.2M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 鑫享科技有限公司.
[✨招募中] 🔥作為 OEC Group IT公司的產品設計師,主要負責貨物追蹤平台與內部ERP系統,您將與團隊成員一起從事用戶研究與分析,以確保用戶需求,將研究結果轉化為設計概念,提出解法並完成 wireframe
500K ~ 700K TWD / year
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Autopass Inc — 麻吉行得通股份有限公司.
我們正在尋找一位全面向的產品設計師,為 Autopass 打造下一世代的出行服務設計。此角色需具備積極態度、解決問題的能力與良好的時間管理技巧,並樂於在靈活多變的環境中迎接挑戰,抱持開放心
700K ~ 850K TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Ideku Technology Solution Pte Ltd (新加坡商雲科有限公司).
Responsibility: Coordinate with product manager and engineering to define and implement innovative design solutions that align with business direction and improvements in user experience Design and deliver wireframes, user stories, user journeys, and mock-ups optimized for web, mobile and tablets Illustrate design ideas using storyboards, user flows, process flows, sitemaps, and prototypes Seek to establish and promote design guidelines, best practices, and standards Lead and oversee the user ex
UI/UX Designer
UI/UX Design
70K ~ 100K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 鑫享科技有限公司.
在團隊環境中獨立工作。 🫵實習計畫結束後將有機會參與內部考核,通過考核後即成為正職人員Product designer。歡迎對於 UX / UI 有興趣的你加入海碩集團之鑫享科技,一起打造百億級的跨國產品! 🛥🛩🚝
190 ~ 200 TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of BitoGroup 幣託科技股份有限公司.
/UX 解決方案 4. 製作開發所需之 User Flow、 Wireframe、 Mockup、 Prototype 5. 規格文件之介面規畫、圖示和圖像等視覺設計完稿 6. 設計成果的審查及品質管控(Design QA),以確保開發成果符合設計規範並保持介面一致性
50K+ TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 凱特納科技股份有限公司.
【工作內容】 負責區塊鏈產品設計 與 PM、工程團隊、業務開發和行銷團隊密切合作,負責 App 和 Web UI 設計及用戶體驗設計 Wireframe、Mock-up、UI flow 與 Prototype 製作 建立與維護 Design Guideline & Figma library 設計研究、競爭分析、產業趨勢蒐集
Cryptocurrency & Blockchain
780K ~ 1.5M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of TURING SPACE 美商圖靈.
計,視能力而定 創造使用情境、新功能流程與定義架構,參與產品討論、解決方案提案與需求訪談,和工程師溝通規格,持續迭代推進產品。 維護 Design System。 支援部分行銷活動與文宣平面設計。 其他交辦事項。
42K ~ 48K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 鑫享科技有限公司.
[✨應徵人數眾多,目前暫停新面試安排] 🔥作為 OEC Group IT公司的資深產品設計師,主要負責貨物追蹤平台與內部ERP系統,您將面對各國用戶與分公司夥伴,以確保用戶需求和商業目標的平衡,在快
700K ~ 1.2M TWD / year
4 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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