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Mid-Senior level
Logo of Bigstack.
Position Overview: As a Software Quality Assurance Engineer at Bigstack, you will be responsible for ensuring the quality and reliability of Bigstack’s cloud solutions, including cubeCOS and related products. This role emphasizes technical expertise in areas such as virtualization, networking, and open infrastructure technologies, along with the potential for mentoring and leadership. You will be tasked with designing and executing test plans, implementing automation, and collaborating with cros
800K ~ 1.1M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 雲象科技 aetherAI.
Responsibilities 開發與維護 AI 醫療影像產品 資料庫的設計與優化 與資料科學家合作,部署 AI 模型,並將推論功能整合進臨床、研究的工作流程中 建置基於 Docker Compose 跟 Kubernetes 的部署工具
1.3M ~ 1.8M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of MEXC.
內容創建與優化: 內容寫作:為網站、部落格、登陸頁面和其他數位平台撰寫清晰、引人入勝且經過 SEO 優化的內容,以吸引和留住用戶。 關鍵字研究:使用 SEMrush 和 Ahrefs 等工具進行深入的關鍵字研究,以識別內
2K ~ 6K USD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Dent&Co牙醫小幫手.
Dent&Co牙醫小幫手 客戶成功經理 Customer Success Manager With Flexible Working-From-Home Policy 牙醫小幫手成立於2019年,是一個Chatbot CRM + 線上即時牙醫預約平台(Marketplace),提供跨渠道、多語系的醫病互動管道包含簡訊、語音、LINE、Messenger、Google地圖等等,平台也
70K ~ 80K TWD / month
5 years of experience required
Managing 1-5 staff
Logo of BitoGroup 幣託科技股份有限公司.
***應徵提醒:請提供 2-5 頁簡易介紹與作品集,以幫助我們在短時間內更加了解您(形式與題材不限,不追求精緻完美,能展現出您的組織、設計與溝通能力即可)*** 【工作內容】 1. 參與前期使用者訪談
50K+ TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Canner (易開科技).
在 Canner,我們正在打造突破性的 AI 與數據基礎架構解決方案,讓數據不再只是靜態資產,而是企業決策的核心動力。加入我們的研發團隊,你將參與開發和推動 Wren AI ( )。 Wren AI 是 Canner
1M ~ 1.5M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
獵才說明💯:成立此間公司希望著重發展區塊鏈衍伸產品,會架私鏈及 Web3.0 個人名片、Wallet 應用。市場以日本為主,再拓展到其他地區。90% 自有產品+ 10% 根據客戶客製化,預計今年底上線。 如果您對先進
1.2M ~ 1.8M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
這是一家專注於幫助創作者與企業推廣創新產品及服務的線上平台公司,平台規模正在擴展,致力於透過科技連結全球用戶,為創意專案提供支持。 工作型態 Hybrid(混合遠端), 一週進辦公室開會1天
Ruby on Rails
1.5M ~ 1.75M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 米蘭數位傳播集團.
MEShPlus是2020年成立的MarTech(行銷科技)新創公司,隸屬於博報堂廣告集團旗下 我們致力於運用數據驅動商業變革,幫助客戶在競爭中脫穎而出 而數據策略團隊是這一使命的核心 負責將豐富的數據資源
60K ~ 70K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 玩美行動股份有限公司.
Responsibilities - Work closely with customers and stakeholders to understand and maintain focus on their analytics needs, including critical metrics and KPIs, and deliver actionable insights to relevant decision-makers - Create and maintain rich interactive visualizations through data interpretation and analysis, with reporting components from multiple data sources - Define and implement data acquisition and integration logic, selecting an appropriate combination of methods and tools within the
1.35M ~ 1.79M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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