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Logo of 好鉅科技.
1. 100% 全遠端工作 我們全公司都是數位遊牧,大多時候都散落在台灣各縣市或是國外,所以良好的溝通是最重要的 2. 開立 restful api 依照規格 開立 restful 風格的 api 給前端 3. 串接第三方平台提供的
Quasar Framework
Logo of AsiaYo.
【主要工作內容】 - 雲端資源調度與配置最佳化 (含權限控制與監控) AWS: VPC, IAM, EC2, S3, RDS, ElastiCache, CloudWatch, CloudFront, EKS etc. GCP: VPC, IAM, GCE, CloudSQL, CloudCDN, BigQuery, etc. - 與開發同仁協作完成系統建置作業 - 適度配合排除線上系統突發狀況 - 自動化
Site Reliability Engineer
1.3M ~ 1.6M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 夯客股份有限公司.
認識 Kotlin 在後端開發的運用 設計並實作可擴展的系統架構 優化現有系統效能與程式碼品質 規劃與建立技術標準與開發規範 帶領團隊成員,提供技術指導與諮詢 評估
Spring Boot
1.44M ~ 2.4M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of APSA.Agency.
• Soạn thảo các hợp đồng dịch vụ, biên bản thương thảo hợp đồng, phụ lục hợp đồng, biên bản nghiệm thu, bàn giao, thanh lý. • Theo dõi tiến độ ký kết hợp đồng và thu hồi hợp đồng đã ký. • Quản lý và theo dõi quá trình thanh toán hợp đồng, công nợ. • Gửi và nhận các giấy tờ quan trọng, sắp xếp và lưu trữ các hồ sơ liên quan đến hợp đồng. • Theo
Documentation Skills
Legal Administration
6M ~ 8M VND / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Leafer Circular Design 綠盒循環設計.
- 如果你是系列控,擅長將企業轉化成不同面向的呈現方式,有效的與鎖定市場溝通,你就是我們要找的人才。納入合作人選名單並順利合作後,我們將於網站中合作夥伴列名,並優先與你洽談合
Design Strategy
Design System Development
Design Systems
8 ~ 888.88K TWD / piece rate
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 全支付電子支付股份有限公司.
由全聯福利中心百分之百投資的關係企業「全支付」,在2021年6月獲金管會許可申請專營電子支付機構業務,延續「買進美好生活」為核心理念,打造幸福的企業。PX Pay會員們將有更多元的運用範圍, 升
6 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Prive Technologies.
Product Manager About the Role: We are seeking a talented and innovative Product Manager to join our dynamic team at Prive Technologies. As a Product Manager, you will play a pivotal role in driving the development and launch of cutting-edge wealth management solutions. You will be responsible for the entire product lifecycle, from ideation to launch. Key Responsibilities: Product Strategy: Develop and execute a comprehensive product strategy aligned with the company's business objectives. Condu
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 電電數位股份有限公司.
工作描述: 我們正在尋找一位資深後端工程師,來加入我們充滿活力的團隊。此職位將負責設計和開發高品質的後端資料庫,並與設計師、前端工程師和產品經理密切合作,確保產品的優異用戶體
1.3M ~ 1.7M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake.
About Cake Established in 2016 in Taiwan, Cake is an international talent community and platform providing comprehensive solutions for job seekers. By offering AI tools for resumes and portfolios, job search strategies, networking resources, and international job opportunities, Cake meets all needs in career development. With over 7 million users worldwide and collaborations with over 10,000 companies, Cake helps talent find the most suitable place at different stages of their careers. Cake Busi
Business Development
Account Management
75K ~ 120K TWD / month
5 years of experience required
Managing staff numbers: not specified
Logo of 麻布數據科技股份有限公司.
『發票存摺』為國內發票應用第一名 App,累積 750 萬下載次,平均 4.8 超高評分! 我們致力於協助使用者管理好每一張發票的所有歷程,秉持著「存發票享優惠」的理念,透過巨量資料分析與智能化推
700K ~ 850K TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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