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Alan Chen
Team leader of Production Engineer
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Alan Chen

Team leader of Production Engineer
個人期望能繼續在工程類(不分軟硬體)的產品開發與專案管理的路上前進,配合工程嚴謹的做事態度與以人為本的帶人風格,帶領團隊為公司產出更多的價值。 =人的管理= 在林口ASML的半導體自動化光學檢測設備工廠中,擔任過三年的產品工程師人事領導,個人經歷是一路從基層產品工程師晉升到主任工程師,而後晉升團隊主管,清楚了解各階段工程師與產品開發專案負責人的需求與痛點。從擔任義務役預官時(沒實權的軍官),就建立了帶人先帶心與影響力為主的團隊領導模式。 -在 HVM 產品工程師團隊 帶領10以上團隊,含光機電各領域工程師與1專案經理。協助其教育訓練、工作安排與績效考核。曾於 2022 年員工調查中,獲得同仁高分評價 84 分,遠高於工廠內部主管平均 74 分。 -NPI跨職能團隊的帶隊主管 在NPI期間,也曾擔任NPI跨職能團隊的帶隊主管,帶領並照顧團隊,在疫情的緊張與家屬的不安中,出差荷蘭九個月與各研發團隊合作外,協助研發團隊架設proto與pilot機台設計驗證與改進的提案。 =事的管理= -NPI(新產品導入) 並多次參與新產品導入(NPI)工作,曾參與大型新產品導入專案,被指派為帶隊主管,帶領約15人前往荷蘭總公司約9個月協助產品驗證與開發,並將所學的機器組裝與知識,透過內部的分享給工廠同仁。 爾後提前返台確保工廠一切到達可開工的程度,並擔任第一台工廠製作的機台的負責人(coordinator),成功如期完成第一台的組裝與測試,並順利準時出貨。 -HVM(量產後持續改善,Lean, SPC, Kaizen) 以專案管理的目標導向與工程的嚴謹,帶領生產工程師團隊完成量產(HVM)中流程與品質的改進,每年均有達目標,減少生產時間達5%以上,2021~2022甚至超越目標達到9%。 =工程專業= -半導體設備生產工程師(ASML,自動化光學檢測)[生產] 在科技業設備生產工廠中,參與生產工程工作約七年,持續改進生產並做問題排除,透過學校時的光機電背景,從機構專業,逐步跨越到光學與機電專業中,成為團隊中第一位光機電跨域專業的工程師。 除了硬體外,也曾與軟體DE工程師密切合作進行整機測試,協助軟體的升級驗證與討論改進。 -產品機構設計(電動車與工業釘槍)[研發] 有電動車車廠整合與工業級工具產品機構設計的經驗,約三年經驗,擅長CAD:solidworks,ProE,了解CAE模擬與產品測試,也有找尋與評鑑廠商的經驗。
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National Taiwan University

Professional Background

  • Current Status
  • Profession
    Product Designer
    Organization Management
    Project Manager
  • Fields
    Automatic Control
  • Work Experience
    10-15 years (10-15 years relevant)
  • Management
    I've had experience in managing 10-15 people
  • Skills
    Microsoft Office
    Stable Diffusion
    Pro E
    Problem Solving
    Project Management
    Engineering Manager
    Mentoring and Coaching
    Training and Development
    Training Course
  • Languages
    Native or Bilingual
  • Highest Level of Education

Job Search Preferences

  • Current Status
  • Desired Job Type
    Interested in working remotely
  • Desired Positions
  • Desired Work Locations
    Taipei City, Taiwan
    Taoyuan, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan
  • Freelance

Work Experience

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Team leader of Production Engineer

Jun 2016 - Aug 2023
7 yrs 3 mos
Linkou District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 244
==Main work == -Team leader of mechatronics production engineer team -Drive team to achieve team KPI (CT 5% save and critical module quality improvement) -Lead New product introduction as leading engineer and team leader. -Early involve for facility contruction between desiner and factory need. -Bring NPI team to cowork with desinger in Nertherland for proto/pilot integration test and learning for machine build up and support team liveissue during covid period. -Lead 1st machine build up in factory and customer side as main integrator. -Organize team knowledge and training center to build up online training/VR class/On-job training plan for factory manufacturing need. ◆Project: New product introduction -Dscription: Bring new product line back to factory -Responsibilities:Lead New product introduction as leading engineer and team leader. Early involve and review design in advance for facility/manufacturing need between desiner and factory need. Bring NPI team to Netherland and cowork with desinger for proto/pilot integration verification and learning for machine build up. Need to take care team live during covid period. -Main achievement Lead 1st machine build up as integrator in factory and customer side. Facility contruction done in advance before production line move-in. Co-work with training center to deliver training for factory need in video, VR and on-job training to secure engineer have knowledge and skill to build up machine. ◆Project: -Dscription: Process improve and Cycle time reduction(Yearly KPI) -Responsibilities: Cycle time recude 5% per year Lead SPC implement with PE and supplier chain to vendor side for critical module -Main achievement Critical modlue yield rate : 92% Non schedule down time in production by material quality with module down to 50 % Time: 2021~2022 ◆Project: Team knowledge build up -Set up internal engineer WIKI in onenote -Set up study club for know ledge sharin Time:2021~2023 ◆Project: PE team engagement improvement -Main strategy: -Main achievement: Team engae ment score to 88 as highest score in factory ==Work experience== 202112 ~202308 ​ Team leader of production enginner, New product implement on-site team leader in Nertherland 201908 ~202112 ​ Leading engineer & wafer position and hander system competency production engineer +YS500 NPI coordinator​ 201806 ~201909 ​ Optical system metrology and motion control competency PE​ 201606 ~201806 ​ Machanical and Optical system competency PE
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Design Engineer

Aug 2014 - May 2016
1 yr 10 mos
Taichung City, Taiwan
◆Project: Cap stapler(NPD)-Reduce the time of design by using module Responsibilities: Product design and develop, BOM Creation Time:2014/8~2015/2 ◆Project: Pole accessory of Gas tool Responsibilities: Product design and develop, BOM Creation, Seeking and evaluating OEM manufacturers to develop components Time:2014/8~2015/6 ◆Project: Powder actuated tool Responsibilities: Researching the product of benchmark, Product design and develop, BOM Creation, Seeking manufacturers to develop components, Verifying the design concept by test or simulation Time:2015/2~Now
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Mechanical engineer

Oct 2013 - Apr 2014
7 mos
Taipei City, Taiwan
◆Project: Meet the requirement of the customer's driving mode, and the battery's using condition by system design and component's specification. Look for manufacturers to develop components. Responsibilities: System Design, BOM Creation, Seeking manufacturers to develop components, Planning verification schedule. ◆Project: Power Li-ion battery structural design-Structural design in early stage. Responsibilities: Deciding the battery pack's location in car body, and Designing the structure of battery pack. ◆Project: Resolving the mechanical problems of power motor system, especially the prototypes ready for mass production. Responsibilities: Root cause analysis, Driving problem solving strategy, and Planning test case and schedule.

Second lieutenant

Oct 2012 - Sep 2013
1 yr 0 mos
◆Responsibilities: 1.Mortars Platoon Commander. Lead the platoon to finish the assigned mission. For instance, army base examination ,disaster prevention & recovery and combat readiness examination. 2.Executive officer. Responsible for assigning the whole company's daily work 3.Chief Counselor(Agent).Responsible for ensuring the physical and the mental health of the whole company. ◆Achievements: Be elected as one of the most reliable cadres by the whole company. I tried to apply some basic principles, such as, “Be a good man before you do something”, and “Put yourself in the place of others.” These experiences make me understand that leadership is also a branch of knowledge, and I try to come up with my own answers to the above questions. I was very fortunate to have the experience to be the junior manager when I was young, and had the chance to form my own leadership style.


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Master’s Degree
Mechanical Engineering
2010 - 2012
Activities and societies
NTU MEMS research group
◆Project: Design and development of Ultra-thin flexible e loudspeaker. Responsibilities: Designing the structure and the production process of device. Achievements: The sound pressure level of loudspeaker is increased 2dB by modifying the structure of the diaphragm.The corona discharge process is modified to reduce the time of electrostatic implantation process into 30%. (Presented 3 Conference papers) ◆Project: Designing and developing a new piezoelectric film to be applied as pressure sensor and transducer. Responsibilities: Designing new structures and processes to combine the porous electret and piezoelectric material for high performance of piezoelectric effect. Achievements: The piezoelectric effect film of new piezoelectric film was upgraded as 200% of the original. In addition, the rigidness was reduced as 70% of the original structure. ( Presented 1 Patent) 收回
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Bachelor’s Degree
Mechanical Engineering
2006 - 2010
Activities and societies
Kendo Club, Child caring club, Volunteer team
I sharpened my engineering skills in college life. We won academic excellence award in the project competition with the topic of “Design and Production of Hydrogen Storage System”. By working with my teammates, we built up a small hydrogen storage system. Knowing that I could make use of what I had learned to make small differences in the world, I felt honored. Furthermore, due to the influence of my family business, I chose some business courses, such as Management and Marketing As for club activities, I spent most of the time in Kendo club., and audited in the classes. And these knowledge really help me a lot to design the product. By practicing Kendo and participating in the competitions, I trained my body and mind, got to know more about myself. I also joined the child caring club and our school’s volunteer team, helping kids in suburban areas and providing service for college freshmen. When other people’s faces were glowing with happiness because of my effort and assistance.

Licenses & Certifications

Business thinking
Issued Jul 2023
No Expiration Date