Mar 2021 - Present
●Back-End Service Development
- Developed robust backend services enhancing functionality.
- Implemented unit tests ensuring code quality.
●SafeART (Terminal 3) Product
- Designed service architecture for central control center.
- Integrated IoT data management using MQTT and TimescaleDB.
- Established CI/CD pipelines for web services.
- Designed and implemented a comprehensive monitoring architecture using Grafana and Prometheus.
- Developed E2E testing tool using Cypress, wrote and designed test cases.
- EKG System Design to developed a system for real-time and historical monitoring of vehicle status, wayside data, and schedule adherence, with optimized log storage and visualization.
●SafeRide Product
- Designed APIs for real-time and historical data.
- Refactored video functionality, improving VoD operations.
- Reduced data processing time for reports by 91.5%, efficiently handling 500K records.
●Development of Locomotive Asset Management Service (Taiwan Railway, TC4.0)
- Designed APIs for accessing historical and real-time train data.
- Engineered background jobs for daily scheduling.
●Team Collaboration and Contribution
- Facilitated knowledge sharing, introduced Computer Networks concepts.
- Conducted code reviews and provided feedback.
- Designed End-to-End tests ensuring system reliability.
- Authored clear and concise documentation.