Avatar of Tara Kang.
Tara Kang
Happy Life Maker
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Tara Kang

Happy Life Maker
Hi, I'm Tara ! A girl who is full of passion, innovation and good at communicating☀ Possess the four traits of Leadership, Marketing, Communication and Implementation Let's create a win-win situation for supply and demand ☛♟☚ 充滿熱情、積極創新、善於溝通的女孩 隨時具備領導、行銷、溝通、執行四大亮點特質
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知名連鎖團購公司 Group buying company
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輔仁大學 Fu Jen Catholic University

Latar Belakang Profesional

  • Status sekarang
    Tidak bekerja
  • Profesi
    Sales Team Lead
    Store Manager
    Customer Service / Support
  • Bidang
    Layanan Pramutamu Perusahaan
    Dukungan Perusahaan
  • Pengalaman Kerja
    6-10 tahun (relevan 6-10 tahun)
  • Management
    Saya berpengalaman mengelola 15+ orang
  • Skil
    Adobe Dreamweaver
    Adobe Photoshop
    Google Analytics
    Adobe InDesign
    Google AdWords
    Google Ads
    Mac OS
    CyberLink PowerDirector
    Movavi Video Editor 15
  • Bahasa
    Bahasa ibu atau Bilingual
  • Pendidikan tertinggi

Preferensi pencarian kerja

  • Status sekarang
  • Jenis pekerjaan yang diinginkan
    Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
  • Jabatan pekerjaan yang diinginkan
    情商教練 EQ Coach / 問題終結者 Trouble Terminator
  • Lokasi pekerjaan yang diinginkan
    Taichung City, Taiwan
    Taipei City, Taiwan
    United States
  • Bekerja lepas
    Pekerja lepas paruh waktu

Pengalaman Kerja

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台中區域經理 Taichung Regional Manager

03/2021 - 07/2022
1 yr 5 mos
Taichung City, Taiwan
A group buying company is a retail chain business, there are over 10 stores in Changhua County. The products range in price from $1 to several thousand dollars. Since expanding into Taichung City in 2021, the business has exceeded 10 million TWD in sales. ➽ Responsible for 1. Store performance∣Setting goals for the year, quarter, month ♟ Increasing the performance of 7 stores by 20% ♟ Observing and analyzing customer preferences ♟ Conversation with the department head to achieve high performance in each store. 2. Expand business∣Looking for franchisees to start a retail business ♟ Building a retail business model in Taichung City ♟ Expanding group buying store within 3-4 weeks (For sale by owner) ♟ Looking for franchisees and hosting business seminars twice a week 3. Human management∣Assisting store manager to operate store ♟ Resolving customer complaints in 8 minutes ♟ Personnel transfer and cooperation ♟ Store operation and management 2021年台中區展店開幕至今,首年度營業額突破千萬,彰化區已經有超過10間連鎖團購店,目前持續倍速成長中,團購商品包含食衣住行育樂,售價為台幣1元至數千元不等。 ➽ 專職負責項目 1. 門市績效∣年/季/月 訂定業績目標達成 ♟每個月維持業績漲幅20% ♟觀察與分析顧客喜好,訂定店舖稽核制度 ♟積極與部門領導階層商議,確保各門市達成績效 2. 展店管理∣滿足各區加盟主展店需求 ♟ 建立台中區域加盟店結構 ☞ 包含工程項目控管與驗收執行 ♟ 3-4 週內完成展店(屋主自租/售) ☞ 尋找適合的地段與店面提供加盟主經營門市 ♟ 每週固定召開2次招商說明會,尋找台中區加盟主 ☞ 包含接洽評估與回報、後續連繫及處理加盟主相關問題 3. 人事管理∣協助店長經營店鋪並處理客服與人事調動 ♟ 8分鐘客訴管理法則 ☞ 5分鐘留給客人釋放情緒,3 分鐘安撫並提供解決辦法 ♟ 人事調派與合作 ☞ 舉辦活動時與各店長協調並進行人事調派作業 ♟ 店鋪經營與管理 ☞ 傳授總店SOP,協助店長經營店舖,陳列及促銷品換檔工作 ...............................其餘事項............................... 4. 展店合約∣展店約訂定,包含新簽、續約、解約等處理事項 5. 專案管理∣加盟店各部門工作事項整合,有效管理專案進度 6. 陌生開發∣開發潛在客戶,拓展市場,以達成業績目標 7. 業務推廣∣包含推廣公司各項業務、活動及產品 8. 銷售企劃∣有效溝通各階級人員,針對產品特色與屬性來發想企劃案
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產品銷售主管 Team Leader

10/2018 - 02/2021
2 yrs 5 mos
Between 2018 and 2021, I served as a Management Trainee and Team Leader for an Aboriginal service station similar to Costco in Darwin, Australia. There is a 40% gross margin in the shop, the percentage is increasing around 10%-20% each year, and products can range from 1 to 1000 AUD. ➽ Responsible for ♟Setting employee schedules, assigning tasks, monitoring their performance and providing training. ♟Being knowledgeable about shop policies and procedures helps the shopkeeper address customer questions. ♟Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions at appropriate times. 2018年至2021年,擔任儲備幹部與小主管,在澳洲協助店主管理小型Costco賣場,該店毛利率高達40%,每年營業額穩定成長10%-20%,商品以台幣換算售價20元至數萬元不等。 ➽ 專職負責項目 1. 賣場管理∣管理展售空間與進出貨事宜 ♟協助產品裝箱、店舖行政與帳務處理 ♟按照當季熱門商品陳列及促銷品換檔工作 ♟不定時與廠商討論產品品質並盤點進出貨數量 2. 人事管理∣有效溝通各層級人員與顧客 ♟指導門市人員銷售技巧並評估績效 ♟協調人事崗位調派與排休假等例行作業 ♟規範門市人員並解決顧客抱怨回報經理 3. 活動規劃∣舉辦活動與商品促銷宣傳 ♟推廣門市各項業務、活動及產品促銷 ♟決定促銷商品的價目表及議價的空間 ♟門市活動規劃與討論、籌備及動線安排
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行銷專案通路經理 Digital Marketing Manager

05/2018 - 10/2018
6 mos
Taichung City, Taiwan
➽ Responsible for 1. Personnel Training∣Leading a team of more than 20 people ♟Evaluating personnel performance ♟Developing large, small and medium enterprises as our cooperation manufacturer ♟Signing an tens of thousands of dollars agreement with a business owner 2. Marketing Strategy∣Cold calling and Writing sales pitch ♟Cold calling in the shopping area, store customers, and maintaining a good relationship ♟Writing social media marketing, telemarketing, onsite marketing and other sales pitch 3. Customer Service∣Solving problems and Getting preferences for customer ♟Solving customer problems and writing copy for the marketing materials ♟Carry out market survey in business districts, getting customer preferences to reach out for cooperation agreements ➽ 專職負責項目 1. 人員訓練∣領導20人以上團隊 ♟門市人員績效評估 ♟開發大中小型企業為合作廠商通路 ♟完成簽署上萬家合作契約 2. 行銷策略∣陌生開發與話術撰寫 ♟陌生開發台中所有商圈與店家客戶並經營良好關係 ♟撰寫社群行銷、電話行銷、現場行銷等話術資料 3. 客戶服務∣解決問題並瞭解客戶喜好 ♟解決客戶問題同時撰寫宣傳文案 ♟執行商圈市場調查,瞭解客戶喜好並達成合作協議
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網路行銷專員 Digital Marketing Assistant

09/2016 - 03/2018
1 yr 7 mos
Taichung City, Taiwan
➽ Responsible for 1. E-commerce∣Looking for TA and Creating online sales strategies ♟Implementing B2B、B2C online and offline operations ♟Managing electronic commerce channels for companies ♟Cooperation with more than 30 manufacturers online 2. Digital Marketing∣Planning digital projects ♟Managing social media, formulating online marketing strategies ♟Collecting and organizing market demand ♟Assisting retailers, agents, and vendors to optimize digital advertising, including Facebook, Google search engine 3. International trade x Graphic design ♟Processing import and export orders, customs declaration ♟Tracking customs clearance ♟Designing magazines, packaging and exhibition supplies ➽ 專職負責項目 1. 電子商務∣尋找主要客群並開創線上銷售策略 ♟執行B2B、B2C線上線下運作 ♟協助公司管理電子商務通路 ♟線上與30家以上廠商通路合作 2. 數位行銷∣根據公司與客戶需求規劃數位行銷項目 ♟管理社交平台和線上數位廣告分析,制定線上銷售策略 ♟蒐集與整合市場需求,利用市場調查結果來執行線上應變措施 ♟協助零售商、代理商、供應商和批發商優化線上數位廣告,追踪廣告流量,其中涵蓋Facebook社群與Google搜尋引擎 3. 國際貿易 x 平面設計 ♟協助處理進出口訂單與報關 ♟追蹤產品清關與物流公司進度 ♟為公司設計產品雜誌、廣告看板、產品包裝及展覽用品


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Sarjana (S1)
Chinese Literature
2012 - 2016