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李恒 (Henry Li)

我是WitsPer 智選家創辦人李恒,AAMA台北搖籃計劃第十期創業家,於2018年6月白手起家20萬元資金創立WitsPer 智選家,從小在爸媽的電腦維修外圍店鋪長大,也耳濡目染喜歡組裝DIY電腦、以前也喜歡tweak手機,上XDA, Modaco找ROM刷機,一直是個3C狂熱愛好者,喜歡科技對生活帶來的便利性。七年前曾經在indiegogo購入第一隻Pebble Watch,則開始對新創智慧硬體品牌深深著迷,覺得新創硬體的浪潮正在悄悄崛起,這些產品好酷好潮功能好多CP值好高!先前的工作經驗是鴻海集團副總裁特助與電商公司總經理特助,負責阿里巴巴與富士康合作的"淘富成真"項目,協助阿里巴巴杭州雲棲小鎮的智能硬件創客們(小老闆)孵化與渠道搭建、後續也有世界五百強系統廠與家電廠的海外Sales與Channel Marketing, Branding經驗,將品牌與OEM商品銷售到全世界各個角落,所以具備全球化Sales, Operations, MKT, E-Commerce的綜合經歷。創業的原因就是希望繼續幫助用戶找到全球最實用最潮的新創3C潮品,在幫助用戶的同時,希望把我們熱愛的3C分享給更多人知道,讓大家一起做早鳥嘗鮮的人,享受科技帶來的效率、生活品味、建立起新世代求新求變的價值觀。透過WitsPer更完整的Omni-channel Marketing與Branding,智選家能幫助更多全球3C新創品牌在台灣落地從0到1讓更多人知道,也讓更多用戶可以享受到完善的3C專業服務。我們協助反饋用戶的心聲給新創3C品牌,給廠家與品牌方正面與負面反饋快速改善,並結合完善售前售後&品牌營銷幫新創品牌搞定痛點,結合D2C直接營銷銷售給終端用戶打通價值鏈鏈條,並長遠佈局GTM策略的長期主義,幫助這些新創品牌持續能經營下去並成長茁壯。在人才方面也希望傳承更多know-how給更多台灣的年輕人,一起出海打世界盃讓台灣品牌與平台可以被全世界看見。
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WitsPer 智選家 (智選科技股份有限公司)
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New Taipei City, 台灣

Professional Background

  • Current status
    Not open to opportunities
  • Profession
    Marketing Development
    Business Development
    Organization Management
  • Fields
  • Work experience
    4-6 years (4-6 years relevant)
  • Management
    I've had experience in managing 15+ people
  • Skills
    Marketing Strategy
    Sales & Marketing
    Business Development
    Company Operations
    Company Strategy
    Company Management
    Startup Development
    Business Strategy
    Talent Management
  • Languages
    Native or Bilingual
  • Highest level of education

Job search preferences

  • Desired job type
    Not interested in working remotely
  • Desired positions
    Board Member/Executive
  • Desired work locations
    Taipei City, Taiwan
  • Freelance

Work Experience

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Jul 2018 - Present
New Taipei City, Taiwan
WitsPer is a vertical e-commerce platform offering the global start-up electronics gadgets brands and products, in the near future, WitsPer would also develop own brands, global shopping sites, content medias, which the whole WitsPer group would eventually form a differentiating, professional, and global startup electronics Eco-system and platform. WitsPer's Mission: "To make technology at no distance from people." The reason we founded the company was wanting to bring the unique and tech-advanced products to the users broad of view. With our know-how in the world's latest technology contents transmitting, products selling, user experience showcasing, and technical supports offering, we hope to convey the "convenient life" concepts to everyone, and thus to make technology entering mainstream's households and work lives. WitsPer's Vision: "To realize people's imaginations on making life more convenient with modern technology, and to empower consumer electronics startups to grow and innovate." We believe that technology would change the way human live, think, work and behave. WitsPer has deeply trusted in technology to resolve problems that we encounter in daily lives and works, on the other hand, technology would also make our imaginations come true. 1、WitsPer智選家創業故事: 2016年底,隨著蘋果AirPods一代的發佈,藍牙耳機風潮迅速席捲全球。在Amazon可以看到豐富多元的3C世界,但被傳統3C大牌佔據的台灣市場,卻很難有更多選擇。想要嘗試各類新創產品,只能透過毫無售後服務的水貨或代購。難道在台灣想買到有品質又有保障的新創3C產品,就這麼難嗎? 源起:「我就是想把真正有特色和有技術優勢的產品帶進台灣。」 這是創辦人李恒的困惑,卻也激起了這位科技狂的創業熱情。 李恒一直想做的,「就是把更多真正有特色和有技術優勢的產品帶進台灣。」 憑藉對3C產業的敏感度,以選物的概念代理產品,透過對外觀、功能、使用體驗等地實際測試,嚴選後上架販售,更是提供全球YouTuber體驗資訊與原創產品開箱影片,就這樣誕生了WitsPer智選家。 2、使命:「讓科技不再有距離」 WitsPer 智選家創業之初就是想要把真正有特色和技術優勢的產品帶入大眾視野。通過對全球3C最新技術的內容傳播、產品販售、使用體驗、技術服務等直至便捷生活的理念,讓科技零距離地走進大眾生活。WitsPer 智選家希望通過各種形式創造有溫度的科技生活入口。 3、願景:「滿足大眾對科技便捷生活的所有想像,賦能更多3C新創品牌成長與創新」 我們希望為台灣3C市場帶來更多具有潛力的科技選品,讓更多人擁有更好的3C體驗,能安心地享受科技新品和前衛技術帶來的樂趣,同時也讓這些來自世界各地的新創品牌,可以被更多人看見。在WitsPer智選家,你/妳可以將對新創品牌的支持化為實際的產品體驗;你/妳的反饋也不止是一句留言;也可能是觸發下一代新品誕生的關鍵。
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Oct 2016 - Mar 2018
1 yr 6 mos
New Taipei City, Taiwan
DA7龍七班成員,由MSI高階主管開立的3個月業務精英集訓班,後外派世界各地的開拓戰隊 職稱轉換:DA7 > MSI台灣區行銷 > NB筆電事業群 大中華區渠道行銷 - 前期負責Dragon Army對於高階主管BU總經理/NB 副總的台灣、大陸 NB/MB/VGA 筆電,主機板,顯示卡的整體市場分析與電商市場進攻策略 - 大陸市場 Vendor廣告露出預算claim管理,收集大陸各地露出billboard, TV Media, 電商banner等露出情況,與vendor窗口對接申請行銷曝光預算支持 - 定期協助高階製作大陸渠道與市場分析,發想進攻策略、競品動況分享與因應戰略 - 負責作為總部與大陸的NB BU行銷窗口,協助大陸媒體與營銷策略佈局,與當地北京NB office一同以總部預算breakdown到每一季、每個月的Media Buy活動內容細節,將預算成效最大化 - 負責雙週週報給到NB副總經理與高階全球行銷總監..等,匯報行銷策略的執行情況、電商經營、微博微信公眾號自媒體經營..等成效 - 在自媒體方面協助global marketing, social marketing部分,將內容在地化翻譯給當地夥伴,傳遞總部在MSI的Corporage Image..等品牌價值與精神,並結合接地氣方式去協助在自媒體推廣國外內容的再行銷利用。 - 協同北京NB, 上海MB VGA..等行銷夥伴,一同策劃在斗魚、龍珠..等新興電競直播項目,並找當地直播大V協助贊助露出MSI電競產品 - 京東、天貓、蘇寧易購、國美..等大陸電商渠道行銷與銷售Sales Marketing ROI追蹤、新品上市機種行銷情況管理 、大陸媒體評測開箱 集評露出管理 太平洋、天極網、泡泡網、遊民星空、筆吧評測室..等 - 不定期前往大陸 上海、青島、廣州..等地進行road tour,進行經銷商資訊調查與協助、Autodesk展覽或NVidia新品發佈展覽、MSI新筆電Product Launch發佈會、COMPUTEX英語導覽協助..等Press Event. Dragon Army 7 MA Program Graduate - Media MKT - ZOL, PCOnline, Yesky, Gamersky, TGBus, NGA.cn gaming forum marketing budget allocation and ROI monitoring. - Wemedia - Tencent Video, Douyu streaming, Wechat , Weibo channel management - Vendor cooperation and exposures - NVidia, Intel, Microsoft, - E-commerce JD, Tmall tracking, strategic, competitor analysis for better sales and conversion rate. - Campus, Fans gathering, event holding and attending, collect the users experience data. - Project management on Douyu live streaming, and China amateur gamers' sponsorship
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May 2016 - Oct 2016
6 mos
Foshan, Guangdong Province, China
職稱:Midea美的廚房電器海外營銷公司 海外營銷專員 (歐六組 - 微波爐產品線) - 負責南亞與巴基斯坦..等市場的KA市場訂單跟進、下單、供應鏈管理 - 負責Midea美的牌微波爐在印度巴基斯坦的訂單跟進與市場開發BD - 協助資深銷售PM與團隊的年度市場目標設定、並與KA客戶/PSM一同確認年度當地市場產品roadmap與產品迭代、產品渠道策略佈局、產品life cycle生命週期& EOL管理 - 所有產線客製化(絲印、彩盒、電子菜單設定)與異常處理 (停電、標籤、BIS檢驗問題) - 交貨時程把控與產線驗貨,在確定交貨前接待來自印度品牌客戶的驗貨人員,確保inspection驗貨正常 - Conduct India e-commerce analysis (market entry / product development / alliance) - Support the joint venture OBM branding, and track the OEM orders - Assist the PSM & CSM to meet the overall individual and team sales quota - Control the production time schedule, and achieve the on-time ETA. - Manage South Asia microwave OEM / OBM key accounts - Develop business with potential regional customers
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副總裁特助 / 總經理特助

Jul 2015 - Apr 2016
10 mos
Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China
職稱:富士康H次集團富連網電商 總經理特助 +B次集團 IDSBG 副總裁 副總裁辦特助 - 協調電商事業群會議、跟追所有淘富成真項目(富士康+阿里巴巴集團新創智能硬件孵化項目)與富連網各大廠區責任區開店與銷售進度 - 協調電商H事業群匯報目前各大次集團PM商品導入進度與淘富成真新創商品專區設立 - 主導所有淘富成真商品引進富連網flnet的對接,並協助WitsPal唯賜寶智能筆的0到1製造到市場銷售流程 - 協助收購夏普的會議記錄跟進、市場分析、夏普進入富士康銷售渠道與各集團分工、電商R&R的進程 - 其他副總裁或總經理交辦之高階 策略方向擬定、集團與分公司戰略方向、組織人事佈局、損益分析、現金流報表、總監報告協調、經營報告整合、會議協調與會議記錄跟追、重要項目跟追..等事宜 數位時代新聞:讓新創團隊「犯得起錯」!鴻海與阿里巴巴推創客製造平台「淘富成真」 https://www.bnext.com.tw/article/37648/BN-2015-10-14-112623-143 flnet.com, Foxconn owned subsidiary, with the F2C advantage, is an e-commerce O2O platform that mainly sells consumer electronics, smart home appliances across China and to other cross-border nations TFCZ is the project involving Foxconn and Alibaba to incubate the smart hardware companies in Hanzhou. The project’s goal is to nurture the smart hardware and innovative products in Hangzhou Alibaba YunQi Town, China 1. TFCZ (淘富成真) Project Manager – Led 2 persons - Coordinate all the PM to introduce 32 products [from incubated stage to market stage] to Flnet in 4 months - Hold the 1111 smart kits promotion event on Flnet, list 28 products on the event page, achieving total sales of over 500k from 214 coordinated SKUs 2. Marketing Research Project Manager - Conduct market research and produce analyses to VP, CEO for better procurement execution and adjustment to the current product structure, which eventually meet the customers’ requirements - Lead the questionnaires design, delivery, collection, and analysis process, and generate marketing reports 3. Flnet O2O Shops Opening Project - Upgrade the communication level by setting up the web sales Kanban between HQ and the regions - Trace stores' operational status, plan the assessment tools for evaluating the regional performance 4. Competitors’ Analyses - Integrate the information to make competitors reports (JD, TMall) for VP to formulate the company strategies.


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Bachelor of Arts (BA)
應用外語所商務溝通組, 國際企業管理所
2012 - 2014
4/5 GPA
Activities and societies
Activities and societies: ◎ Ministry of Science and Technology- Innovation and Startups National Contests ◎ Central Taiwan "Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Commercialization" ContestActivities and societies: ◎ Ministry of Science and Technology- Innovation and Startups National Contests ◎ Central Taiwan "Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Commercialization" Contest ◎ Thesis completion ◎ Entrepreneurship contests- won several titles and prices.
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Bachelor of Arts (BA)
2008 - 2012
3.1/4 GPA
Activities and societies
吉他社 Guitar Club
Activities and societies: 1. Guitar Club- information manager 2. Chong Zheng University "Feeling" Guitar Contest- "Best Vocal Award"Activities and societies: 1. Guitar Club- information manager 2. Chong Zheng University "Feeling" Guitar Contest- "Best Vocal Award" 1. Attended the guitar club, teaching the freshmen the guitar fundamentals. 2. Participated in the departmental team in badminton and basketball. 3. Subject-wise, I acquired the know-how on the multimedia design, project management, and e-commerce management.
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High School Diploma
Foreign Exchange
2006 - 2007
3.8/4 GPA
Activities and societies
Math Club
Grade: GPA 3.86Grade: GPA 3.86 Activities and societies: Attend the math club "mental math team", I stayed at school every Thursday to practice mental math with the club members. We won several golden metals from attending many interstate competitions. Took Choir class and made it to "Master Singers" from the Men's Choir, and of that I could perform in the homecoming games in front of the audiences at the stadium. Additionally, I also won the solo ensemble singing contest and won the gold metal. Took part in prom and home-coming activity.Activities and societies: Attend the math club "mental math team", I stayed at school every Thursday to practice mental math with the club members. We won several golden metals from attending many interstate competitions. Took Choir class and made it to "Master Singers" from the Men's Choir, and of that I could perform in the homecoming games in front of the audiences at the stadium. Additionally, I also won the solo ensemble singing contest and won the gold metal. Took part in prom and home-coming activity. During one year exchange program, I've learned the cross-cultural communication, and to respect people with different nationalities. Passed all the subjects in SAKS except English- one point below the requirement. SAKS Math score has met the standard for high education.

Licenses & Certifications

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Credential ID: 13345205
Issued Feb 2013
No Expiration Date