Avatar of Achmad Fauzi.
Achmad Fauzi
Bachelor Degree of Agriculture | Forestry | Plantation | RnD
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Achmad Fauzi

Bachelor Degree of Agriculture | Forestry | Plantation | RnD
I'm a young and fresh spirit who's always eager to learn new things. I have an interest in Plantation, especially Field Assistant, Research and Development. I am a fast learner and quick to adapt, good at observation, analytical thinking, also target oriented Let's keep in touch by clicking the connection button or contacting me through by email [email protected]. Thank you!
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Balai Benih Induk Hortikultura Pekanbaru
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Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
Kota Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia

CV Pilihan

Diunggah pada 1 Jul 2024

Latar Belakang Profesional

  • Status sekarang
    Tidak bekerja
  • Profesi
  • Bidang
  • Pengalaman Kerja
    Kurang dari satu tahun (relevan Kurang dari satu tahun)
  • Management
  • Skil
    Microsoft Office
  • Pendidikan tertinggi

Preferensi pencarian kerja

  • Status sekarang
  • Jenis pekerjaan yang diinginkan
    Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
  • Jabatan pekerjaan yang diinginkan
    Staf pertanian
  • Lokasi pekerjaan yang diinginkan
  • Bekerja lepas
    Non-pekerja lepas

Pengalaman Kerja

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Field Assistant

07/2021 - 08/2021
2 mos
Kota Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
• Supervise and inspect plant seeds that are ready to be distributed • Has the responsibility to assist field assistants in supervising the process from land processing to plant care and plant propagation to produce superior plant seeds of the best quality in accordance with the vision and agency mission • Implemented and responsible for caring for and propagating horticultural plants


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Sarjana (S1)
Majoring in Agrotechnology
2019 - 2023
3.8/4 GPA
Aktivitas dan komunitas
Cadre Division Staff (Dec 2021-Nov 2022) Brimasda Agribusiness Study Forum - Pekanbaru Jobdesk: • Managed and developed the organization through the cadre division, create strong and responsible Forsa Brimasda cadres through the work program that has been created and prepare the embryo of regeneration that is ready to continue organizational struggle • Contributed of recruitment for GEMAS 21 (Generasi Emas Brimasda) selection in the faculty environment with 50+ members recruited
Skills: Attention to Detail · Interpersonal Skills · Agriculture · Leadership · Microsoft PowerPoint · Analytical Skills · Microsoft Excel · Microsoft Word
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2016 - 2019
87/100 GPA
Aktivitas dan komunitas
Skills: Kepemimpinan

Sertifikasi dan Lisensi

EF Standard English Test (EF SET)
Dibuat 03/2024
Tidak Ada Tanggal Kadaluwarsa
Credential ID: 131168/EXL/LM/02/2024
Dibuat 02/2024
Tidak Ada Tanggal Kadaluwarsa
Credential ID: 116255/EXL/LM/01/2024
Dibuat 01/2024
Tidak Ada Tanggal Kadaluwarsa

Office Aplication with Competency Operator Komputer Muda

Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP)
Credential ID: 62090 3511 3 0077064 2023
Berlaku hingga: 12/2026