Kediri, Kediri Regency, East Java, Indonesia
- being staff admin and help prepare and serving any Bank Indonesia KPwBI needed
- In here, because I have ability about IT, I was also followed project "Deteksi Inflasi" that helped warn about inflation based on inflation database earlier method. Its simple but I got a lot lessons from this project about inflation
- And was helped some routine maintenance all of end user devices internal Bank Indonesia
- Make some prevention from ransomware attacking with educate end user to be aware with account email attachment, suspicious email and file, and also protect with best password
- I was followed some event which supported by Bank Indonesia, about how to increase earning for micro bussiness and prevent inflation with investment management with micro bussiness community Pacitan, Madiun, and Blitar.
Maybe in here not linear with my background IT, but with some relevant project I still learn some case with IT. And many more lesson about inflation, investment management, and also time management because sometimes routine job unpredict request.