Avatar of Afifa Rismila Sri Rejeki.
Afifa Rismila Sri Rejeki
Marketing and Sales Intern at PT Sree Logistics Indonesia | Ex-PT Telkom Indonesia

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Afifa Rismila Sri Rejeki

Marketing and Sales Intern at PT Sree Logistics Indonesia | Ex-PT Telkom Indonesia
Results-driven Industrial Engineering graduate with diverse experiences such as intern at PT Sree Logistics Indonesia, intern at PT. Telkom Indonesia, and laboratory assistant at Laboratorium Simulasi dan Bisnis, Proficient in business development, campaign strategy, competitor analysis, FlexSim 2022, Google Workspace. Possesses excellent communication, public speaking, adaptability, teamwork, and analytical skills. Keen to pursue a career in Marketing and Sales, Public Relations, and Supply Chain Management related field.
Sree Logistics Indonesia
Telkom University


  • 目前狀態
  • 專業
  • 產業
    電子 / 電信
  • 工作年資
    小於 1 年 (小於 1 年相關工作經驗)
  • 管理經歷
    我有管理 15 人以上的經驗
  • 技能
    Adaptable & a quick learner
    Microsoft Office
    Microsoft PowerPoint
    Microsoft Excel
    Microsoft Word
    Excellent Communication Skills
    Analytical Thinking
    Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
    Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
    Business Development
    Public Speaking . Communication
    Public Relations
  • 語言能力
  • 最高學歷


  • 預期工作模式
  • 希望獲得的職位
    Administration Staff, Secretary, Human Resources, Trainer, Bussiness Development, Customer Relationship Management, marketing, finance
  • 期望的工作地點
    Kotamadya Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
    Kotamadya Jakarta Utara, Jakarta, Indonesia
    Banten, Indonesia
    Kabupaten Serang, Banten, Indonesia
    Kotamadya Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta, Indonesia
    Kotamadya Jakarta Timur, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • 接案服務


Sales And Marketing Associate

2023年11月 - 現在
A global logistics company, specialized in sea transport and containerized shipments. - Developed and executed successful marketing strategies by sending up to 200 emails daily to prospective clients using Apollo.id, open rate at more than 32%. - Created a copywriting for 2 different content (Email Marketing & Company Profile). - Compiled a database for over 300 Food & Beverage companies using Panjiva.com for targeted outreach. - Conducted proactive calls to 20 companies daily, attended industrial expos once a month, and arranged meetings with potential clients. - Supporting technical sales in internal sales activity, such as processing inquiry, provide quotation and maintain communication with customers.

Laboratory Assistant of Research, Education, and Competition (REC) Division

2022年2月 - 2023年3月
1 年 2 個月
- Lectured 400+ students for 7 times a week during a business simulation practicum. - Oversaw 3 module development, guided and handling 7 groups of participants through group projects. - Designed and managed all activities of SCOREP, a business simulation research group. - Provided, maintained, and managed FlexSim 2022 tools for practicum activities and research group activities. - Organized SIMBITALK, a career preparation talk show, attracting over 450 participants, and managed all aspects of the event

Business, Government, Enterprise Services (BGES)

2022年6月 - 2022年9月
4 個月
- Expanded market share in Banten through active customer engagement, averaging three visits per day. - Designed and delivered product presentations to new customers. Managed and verified customer data for real-time integration into Starclick and Xpro platforms, 30 data per day. - Proactively resolved customer issues, including an incident involving an accidental internet cable cut. - Moderated workshops for over 200 participants, showcasing the Pijar Sekolah product and ensuring smooth event execution.


Industrial Engineering
2019 - 2023
1. Thesis: "Design of Supplier Selection System For Raw Materials PP Cosmoplene As 164 Natural Using Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) Method At Pt XYZ". 2. Related Coursework: Supply Chain Management, Goods Transportation and Distribution System, Procurement System, Industrial Project Management, Marketing Management, Industry Statistics, Industrial Organization Management System, Occupational Health and Safety, Operational Research, Product Development, Cost Accounting, Facility Layout Design, Quality Control and Assurance, Industrial Psychology.
