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Amelia Mariska
Graduate Bachelor
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Amelia Mariska

Graduate Bachelor
Graduates Bachelor of International Relations from the University of Prof. Dr. Moestopo (Beragama), Year 2018 - 2022. Completed College with a GPA of 3.51. Have adaptive and logical ability to build and maintain good communication and working relationship with others, and also have a motivated attitude and a stable range of skills.
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PT.Lion Air Group
University of Prof. Dr. Moestopo
Larangan, Tangerang City, Banten 15154, Indonesia

CV Pilihan

Diunggah pada 11 Okt 2024

Latar Belakang Profesional

  • Status sekarang
    Sudah bekerja
    Terbuka untuk peluang
  • Profesi
    Asisten Administrasi
    Data Analyst
  • Bidang
    Public Relations
    Instansi Publik dan Lokal
  • Pengalaman Kerja
    Kurang dari satu tahun (relevan Kurang dari satu tahun)
  • Management
    Tidak ada
  • Skil
    MS Office
    Team project management
    Data Entry
    Database Management
    Administrasi dan Pengarsipan
    Public Relations
  • Bahasa
  • Pendidikan tertinggi

Preferensi pencarian kerja

  • Jenis pekerjaan yang diinginkan
    Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
  • Jabatan pekerjaan yang diinginkan
    Secretary/Administration staff/Marketing communication Staff
  • Lokasi pekerjaan yang diinginkan
    Jakarta, Indonesia
    South Jakarta, South Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia
    West Jakarta, Kebonjeruk, West Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia
    Central Jakarta, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Bekerja lepas
    Non-pekerja lepas

Pengalaman Kerja

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Admin Staff

09/2024 - Sekarang
Kota Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
Prepare flight plan documents.
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Sustainable Data Entry and Data Analysist

11/2023 - 02/2024
4 mos
South Jakarta, South Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia
Resaving and Collecting Data over 50.000 Datta per day. Responsible for Checking, inputting, and Ensuring Data. Respond to requests for information from authorized members
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Internship Student

04/2021 - 06/2021
3 mos
Central Jakarta, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia
As Assistant Director of the Directorate General of Political Ideology for a 3-month internship with the following tasks: 1. working on paperwork with the team for the Journal, with the title: - Current Civilization Post-Covid-19; - Geostrategy in overcoming the development of Covid: Conception of building National Resilience in an Era of Uncertainty; - Analysis of Indonesian Foreign Policy in the World Maritime Axis; - Civil War conflict between China and Taiwan; - The war between Russia and Ukraine; - Indonesian foreign policy intersects with Indonesian foreign policy; - Development of Palm Oil in the New Normal Era; - Clash of Civilization summary. 2. As a Minute in the Focus General Discussion entitled "The Influence of Identity Politics Against Democracy in Indonesia", 3. Making Material for the Speech of the Governor of Lemhannas titled "Human Values in Dayak customs".


Bachelors International relations and National Security Studies
2018 - 2022
3.5/3.8 GPA
Aktivitas dan komunitas
Participated as a Committee in Student Leadership Training event Committee activities in 2020 served as General Chair of Publications and Documentation.