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杜安生 Andrew Tu

With a MA in Music and Management from University of Leeds, a joint programme by Leeds University Business School and School of Music, and a BFA in Music from National Taiwan University of Arts playing the violin, Andrew Tu, from Taipei, Taiwan, is a professional with excellent communication and administrative skills, with experiences within arts and higher education sectors. His previous position was at Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA), which is considered the top arts institution in Taiwan, as their Officer for International Partnerships and Student Mobility Programmes. His responsibilities also include international student recruitment as well as international collaborations. One of his accomplishments during his time at the role, was contributing to the launch of the ‘Shared Campus’ project along with 6 arts institutions around the world, i.e. University of the Arts London, LASALLE College of the Arts and Zurich University of the Arts etc. The project aims to promote creative practices across cultures and disciplines. As part of his participation in the project, Andrew constantly hosts visiting guests and academic activities such as symposiums, semester programmes and summer schools within the initiative. Andrew has also worked for WildKat PR London, a creative PR agency with a focus on music and performing arts, where he actively participated in several PR campaigns, and gained valuable knowledge within marketing in the digital age as well as audience engagement. He was responsible for managing the website, writing daily blogs and social media posts, as well as sourcing photos, filming and editing visual contents for online platforms. Besides his time at WildKat PR, Andrew also has great experiences working in the arts, with experiences working for venues, arts festival, theatre production as well as coordinating small events such as recitals and chamber concerts. Andrew is currently based in his home town Taipei, Taiwan, and is continuously and remotely working as Sommet Education's Head of International Enrolment within its International Enrolment team, providing array of customer and partner services to a worldwide network of sales team, campus teams, and applicants, for all brands and institutions under Sommet Education.
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