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Anissa Aurellia
Mahasiswa di Universitas Terbuka
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Anissa Aurellia

Mahasiswa di Universitas Terbuka
Bachelor of Information Science from Open University of Indonesia who has the ability to carry out administrative activities, service customer as well as handle and provide solutions to complaints submitted by customers. I have a high interest in the field of administration, service and marketing.
Universitas Terbuka
Kabupaten Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia

Latar Belakang Profesional

  • Status sekarang
    Tidak bekerja
  • Profesi
  • Bidang
  • Pengalaman Kerja
    relevan Kurang dari satu tahun
  • Management
  • Pendidikan tertinggi

Preferensi pencarian kerja

  • Jenis pekerjaan yang diinginkan
    Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
  • Jabatan pekerjaan yang diinginkan
    Staff Admin
  • Lokasi pekerjaan yang diinginkan
  • Bekerja lepas

Pengalaman Kerja


10/2021 - Sekarang


08/2021 - Sekarang
Kabupaten Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia


02/2024 - 03/2024
2 mos
PT.Mega Artha Lintas Data (MEGADATA ISP) is a company based in Klaten and Yogyakarta serving internet connection services (wireless and fiber optic). Responsibility : • Handling 10+ customers per day and solving their technical issues related to the wireless and optic fiber via chat and call. • Assisting customers with exact guidance. • Entering customer names into the database. • Offering internet network products especially WiFi to customers.

Preschool Teacher

11/2021 - 11/2022
1 yr 1 mo
Paud Ngudi Rahayu 8 is a school for early childhood children located in Banjarnegara. Ngudi Rahayu 8 preschool operates in the education sector. Responsible : • Teaching in a class of 15 students. • Create a daily learning plan. • Create a weekly learning plan. • Evaluate physical skills and non-physical skills in students. • Create a teaching curriculum design.

Asisten Apoteker

02/2022 - 05/2022
4 mos
Salamerta Pharmacy is a place that sells generic and non-generic medicines located in Susukan, Banjarnegara. Responsible : • Carry out routine checks of drug stocks. • Offering products available at the pharmacy. • Recording buying and selling transactions. • Carrying out financial bookkeeping.


Ilmu Perpustakaan
2019 - 2023