Avatar of Asha Ashillah Nugroho.
Asha Ashillah Nugroho
Apothecary Student at Institut Teknologi Bandung
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Asha Ashillah Nugroho

Apothecary Student at Institut Teknologi Bandung
A bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science from Bandung Institute of Technology, specializing in Pharmaceutical Science and Technology. Currently, I am pursuing my apothecary studies at Bandung Institute of Technology and expected to graduate in March 2024. Individual educated in the validation process and evaluation of products based on GMP, CPOB, and CPOTB standards; Analytical method development; and the fundamental principles of pharmaceutical production. I am a determined and well-rounded individual that has experiences being in an organization, detail oriented, good skills in problem solving, and always has a passion for learning new things.
BBPOM Jakarta
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia


  • 目前状态
  • 专业
  • 产业
  • 工作年资
    小於 1 年相关工作经验
  • 管理经历
  • 技能
    Google Docs
    Google Sheets
    Google Presentation
  • 语言能力
  • 最高学历


  • 预期工作模式
  • 希望获得的职位
    Product Leader, Product Owner, Product Manager, UX Designer, Researcher, Analysit, Innovation Consultant, Software Engineer
  • 期望的工作地点
  • 接案服务


Drug Testing Laboratory Intern

2023年10月 - 2023年10月
1 个月
Apothecary Internship in Government | Drug Testing Laboratory Intern Balai Besar Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan (BBPOM) is the regional autonomy’s implemenIng element in the health sector which monitored the pre-marketed and marketed pharmaceuIcal care product. - Project: Perform Verification of the Analytical Method for Determining Trimethoprim and Sulfamethoxazole Concentrations in Suspension Preparations Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). - Carry out drug testing from the market such as dissolution tests, weight variations, and pH determination.

Pharmacy Intern

2023年9月 - 2023年9月
1 个月
Apothecary Internship in Community Pharmacy Kimia Farma Apotek provides integrated health services including pharmacy services (pharmacies), health clinics, clinical laboratories, and optics, with the One Stop Health Care Solution (OSHcS) concept, making it easier for people to get quality health services. - Performing pharmaceutical services such as reviewing prescriptions, dispensing drugs, preparing prescription drugs, self-medication, and drug information services. - Understanding of how to establish a pharmacy, feasibility study, inventory management, procurement flow, financial reports, and merchandising.

Production Intern

2023年7月 - 2023年8月
2 个月
Apothecary Internship in Pharmaceutical Industry | Production Intern PT Soho Global Health is an herbal-based medicine company that manufactures some prominent health brands such as Imboost and also provides other services, such as marketing services for multinational companies or in-licensing products in Indonesia, distribution partnerships, and medical device partnerships. - Project: Acceleration of filling and packaging time (MFG Time SAP) for syrup medicine on line 5 packaging machines and shift changing efficiency using SMED (Single-Minute Exchange of Dies). - Understanding the production flow based on good manufacturing practice (GMP)

Distribution intern

2023年4月 - 2023年4月
1 个月
Apothecary Internship in Distribution SwipeRx is the all-in-one app for pharmacy professionals to connect with each other, find accurate drug and health information and access free Continuing Professional Development modules. - Assist the work of pharmacy manager (apoteker penanggung jawab) such as checking invoices (regular, precursor) from pharmacies, checking order letters (regular, precursor), examining products, filing invoice files, and data analyst (mapping product and wallet size). - Understanding of how distribution system works based on good distribution practice (GDP).

Quality Control Intern

2021年6月 - 2021年8月
3 个月
Quality Control Internship Takeda is a patient-focused, values-based, R&D-driven global biopharmaceutical company that focus on prescription drugs, covering the therapeutic areas of Cardiovascular & Metabolic, Oncology, Gastrointestinal, Anti-Haemorrhoid and Anti-Insomnia; as well as OTC/over-the-counter products. - Update, review, and revise documents related to quality control periodically based on monographs (Farmakope Indonesia, USP).


Production and Quality Control
2023 - 2024
Skills: Clinical Pharmacy · Medicine · Pharmaceutical Sciences
2018 - 2022
Skills: Clinical Pharmacy · Pharmaceutical Sciences · English


Entrepreneurship Development Program

Institut Teknologi Bandung
证照编号: 505/IT1.B04.4/KM.04/2021
发照日期 2021年9月
Logo of the organization.

Webinar Halodoc The Role of Omega-3 in Cardiovascular

证照编号: 040/IDI/1207.P2KB/SM/VII/2021
发照日期 2021年6月
