Avatar of 王崇宇.
Sr. Software Enginner
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Sr. Software Enginner
您好,我是王崇宇,擁有國內外研究所碩士學位,以及四年以上的軟體開發經驗,專精於後端開發與微服務架構設計。我擅長使用 .NET Framework(4.7 至 8)、PHP 與 RESTful API 進行開發,並熟悉 Nginx、Apache、Laravel 的部署與維運。此外,我也擁有容器化技術的實戰經驗(如 Docker、Kubernetes),可實現高效的水平擴展與穩定部署,並熟悉 CI/CD 工具如 GitLab CI/CD 和 Jenkins。 在過往工作中,我曾 獨立開發並維運雙11千萬級推播微服務,應對高流量挑戰,並撰寫詳細技術文件以支援團隊協作。在與 LINE 官方帳號 相關的專案中,我參與了從架構設計到功能開發的全流程,展現了出色的整合與開發能力。同時,我也有豐富的系統重構經驗,成功提升效能超過 40%,並擅長撰寫技術文件和進行跨部門溝通合作。 此外,我熟悉各類雲端服務(如 Microsoft Azure、AWS 和 GCP),並具備 Power BI 報表開發及系統整合的能力。過去的經驗中,我參與過多項企業核心系統的架構設計與導入,並善於將技術轉化為解決業務需求的方案。 未來,我希望能將過往累積的開發經驗與技術能力,應用於更具挑戰性的專案中,協助團隊達成目標並創造更大的價值! Main achievements Independently develop high-traffic push microservices Develop a service design that can handle the high-volume traffic of over 10 million during Double 11 Shopping Festival Refactoring complex systems and optimizing performance increased performance by 40% Connect various systems Familiar with various cloud services Familiar with containerized services (k8s) to achieve better horizontal expansion and uninterrupted deployment Familiar with Queue Base related services Familiar with most CI/CD Possess the ability to analyze data Main Skills The backend is mainly based on .net framework 4.7 ~ .net 8, and the secondary development language is node.js, python The front-end is mainly developed with the vue3 framework, and Angular and React are secondary. BI tools: PowerBI (Microsoft), Looker Studio (Google) Main cloud services: AWS, GCP, Azure Main DB: MSSQL, MYSQL, MongoDB, athena, redis, elasticsearch
National Chiao Tung University
台北市, 台灣

Professional Background

  • Current Status
  • Profession
    Back-end Engineer
    Project / Product Management
    Software Engineer
  • Fields
    SaaS / Cloud Services
  • Work Experience
    4-6 years (4-6 years relevant)
  • Management
    I've had experience in managing 1-5 people
  • Skills
    .NET Core
    .net mvc
    gitlab CI/CD
    Azure DevOps
    AWS S3
    AWS CloudWatch
    AWS EC2
  • Languages
    Native or Bilingual
  • Highest Level of Education

Job Search Preferences

  • Current Status
    Ready to interview
  • Desired Job Type
    Interested in working remotely
  • Desired Positions
    Software Engineer / Backend Engineer
  • Desired Work Locations
    Taipei, Taiwan
  • Freelance
    Part-time freelancer

Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer

Jun 2024 - Present
Taipei City, Taiwan
Developed the company's external and internal systems for the Taipei-System Software Development Team of the head office, e.g. customer service system, partner system, price subscription system 1. Mainly refactor some existing Java projects into .net core 8 projects and deploy them on k8s 2. Connect with SAP and other module systems 3. Cross-departmental communication and collaboration 4. Design system architecture 5. Introduce some monitoring mechanisms and monitoring indicators 為總公司的台北-系統軟體開發組,開發公司對外及對內的相關系統 e.g. 客服系統,夥伴系統,價格申購系統 主要將一些既有 Java 專案重構成 .net core 8 專案,同時部署到 k8s 上 串接 SAP 及其他模組系統 跨部門溝通協作 設計系統架構 引入一些監控機制及監控指標

Sr. Software Enginner

Sep 2023 - May 2024
9 mos
Taipei City, Taiwan
Develop applications and functions for the internal systems of the personal finance department of the bank, and assist in the maintenance and handling of online anomalies 1. Mainly responsible for application development of insurance agent department 2. Connect insurance-related functions in mobile APP 3. Write insurance-related calculation schedules 4. Assist in the maintenance of insurance-related systems (one of CTBC's five major systems) 5. OCP Import 6. Report Development 於銀行個人金融部門內部系統之應用及功能開發,且協助維運處理線上異常 主要負責保險代理人部門的應用開發 串接手機 APP 中的保險相關功能 撰寫保險相關計算排程 協助維運保險相關系統 (為中信五大系統之一) OCP 導入 報表開發

Sr. Software Enginner

Mar 2021 - Feb 2023
2 yrs 0 mos
Taipei City, Taiwan
Responsible for the services of large e-commerce traffic, belonging to the data application under the data team, mainly responsible for the services of the push center 1. Design of push architecture for large traffic volumes 2. Independently develop and maintain push microservices 3. Double 11 can carry more than 10 to 20 million push traffic 4. Create SDK, API, Command line and provide them to other departments for integration 5. Cross-departmental communication and collaboration 6. On weekdays, the average number of messages sent per hour is 3-5 million 7. Be familiar with various cloud services e.g. EKS, GCP, 8. Familiar with Queue application scenarios, e.g. rabbitMQ, SQS 9. Familiar with CI/CD e.g. gitlab ci/cd, Jenkins 10. Do container management on EKS and use Rancher as the management interface of k8s to achieve better horizontal expansion 10. Get familiar with the looker studio 負責電商大流量的服務,隸屬於 data team 底下的 data 應用,主要負責推播中心的為服務 大流量的推播架構設計 獨立開發及維護推播微服務 雙11能夠乘載破一千至兩千萬以上的推播流量 建立SDK, API, Command line ,提供給其他部門做串接使用 跨部門溝通協作 平日頻均每小時有 300-500 萬 的發送量 熟戲各種雲端服務 e.g. EKS, GCP, 熟悉 Queue 應用場景,e.g. rabbitMQ, SQS 熟戲 CI/CD e.g. gitlab ci/cd, Jenkins 在 EKS 上做容器化管理,使用 rancher 作為 k8s 的管理介面,達到更好的水平擴展 熟習 looker studio

Sr. Software Enginner

Dec 2019 - Mar 2021
1 yr 4 mos
Taipei City, Taiwan
Lead the development of the Aurora Furniture APP under the Aurora Group, serving as PM, SA specification formulation, RD development of front-end pages 1. Introduced new technology to help the company transform from VB .NET to .net framework 4.7 2. Separation of front-end and back-end, using Angular for the front-end and .net web api for the back-end 3. Update the company's version control software from VSS/TFS to Azure DevOps Git version control 主導震旦集團底下震旦家具 APP 的開發,擔任 PM,SA 規格制定,RD 開發前端頁面 導入新技術,協助公司從 VB .NET,轉型成 .net framework 4.7 前後端分離,前端使用 Angular,後端使用 .net web api 更新公司的版控軟體從 VSS/TFS 升級至 Azure DevOps Git 版控


Master’s Degree
2016 - 2018
Activities and societies
master's thesis: Development of a accessorial diagnostic kit for chronic kidney disease through the bacterial flora periodicals: miRTarBase update 2018: a resource for experimentally validated microRNA-target interactions 碩論:高通量定序分析,使用 R 與 Python 分析腸道微生物箘相,透過分類器及序列比對建立出預測模型 https://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dnclcdr&s=id=%22107NCTU5538001%22.&searchmode=basic 期刊: miRTarBase update 2018: a resource for experimentally validated microRNA-target interactions https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29126174/
Bachelor’s Degree
2012 - 2016
Activities and societies
烘焙社 愛心課輔社 手語社
special subject: Wound Dressing Preparation of Fucoidan 專題: 褐藻醣膠之傷口敷料製備