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Brandon Nease
Account Manager, Technology Sales
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Brandon Nease

Account Manager, Technology Sales
Brandon Nease, a distinguished Account Manager at Sehi Computer Products, is a prime example of how technical understanding and creative flair coexist harmoniously. Based in Orange, CA, he has made a name for himself with his unique IT, theatre, and dance blend of expertise. His multifaceted personality and devotion to the Star Wars universe make him a standout figure in technology sales. His academic foundation, rooted in his achievements at Chapman University, has played a pivotal role in shaping his career. He holds a master's degree in educational technology, alongside undergraduate qualifications in integrated educational studies and Theatre Arts. His educational journey embodies the perfect fusion of technology and the arts, laying the groundwork for his impressive career. Transitioning from a 16-year-long career in theatre and dance to the fast-paced world of technology, Nease brings with him a unique blend of creativity and technical expertise. His time in the performing arts world has endowed him with an artistic perspective that he continues to infuse into his current profession. His experience allows him to approach IT sales with a creative edge, making him stand out in a predominantly technical field.
Sehi Computer Products
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Chapman University
Orange, CA, USA
United States

Professional Background

  • Current Status
  • Profession
    Account Manager
  • Fields
  • Work Experience
    6-10 years (6-10 years relevant)
  • Management
    I've had experience in managing 15+ people
  • Skills
    Account Manager
    Technology Sales
  • Languages
  • Highest Level of Education

Job Search Preferences

  • Current Status
    Not open to opportunities
  • Desired Job Type
    Not interested in working remotely
  • Desired Positions
    Account Manager, Technology Sales
  • Desired Work Locations
    Orange, CA, USA
  • Freelance

Work Experience

Outside Account Manager

Aug 2019 - Present

Dance teacher

Aug 2013 - Present


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Master of Arts (MA)
2015 - 2017
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Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Theatre/Theater, Integrated Educational Studies
2011 - 2015