Avatar of chandra ulin.
chandra ulin
Industrial Engineering
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chandra ulin

Industrial Engineering
Industrial Engineering with 2+ years of experience at garment industry consistently and contributes in improve factory performance with creates change over method, build evaluating, and monitoring system. Build calculation method of sewing and indirect department. I also experience and willingness to take on added responsibility to meet tight deadlines. Enthusiastic team player with a strong work ethic and advanced complex problem solving skills. Dedicated demonstrating effective leadership in all aspects of the job
Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
Kabupaten Kudus, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia

Professional Background

  • 現在の状況
  • Profession
    Industrial Engineer
    Production Manager
  • Fields
  • 職務経験
    1〜2年 (1〜2年関連の実務経験)
  • Management
    I've had experience in managing 1-5 people
  • Skills
    Industrial engginering
  • Languages
  • Highest level of education

Job search preferences

  • Desired job type
  • Desired positions
  • 希望の勤務地
  • Freelance

Work Experience

Staff Industrial Enggginering Packing

3月 2024 - 現在
Handling the before-washing, after-washing, after-washing process, steam center, packing division - Create standardized process times after wash division, central steam division and packing division - Develop and monitor operational performance metrics to measure productivity and efficiency gains. - Make layout proposal for all packing divisions - Analysis needs of man power & machinery - Implementation Improvement to achieve 80% efficiency by target

Staff Industrial Engginering Preparation

1月 2023 - 3月 2024
1 yr 3 mos
1.Fiber Room and Duckdown Devision - Simulation manpower planning to achieve 80% efficiency by target - Develop and monitor operational performance metrics to measure achievement of productivity and efficiency targets. - Analyze production to increase effectiveness and efficiency, learn about time study, production lay out, etc. - Calculate gramation duck down - Implementation improvment to achieve 80% efficiency by target 2. CNC Devision - CNC Machine Optimization - Analysis needs of man power and mechine - Inplementation Improvment to achieve 80% efficiency by target 3. Press Devision - Simulation manpower planning to achieve 80% efficiency by target - Continuous improvement opportunities in the production process and corrective actions. - Support and followup improvement project - Conduct a method study to analyze long movements and reduce unneeded movements

Staff Industrial Engineering Production

2月 2022 - 1月 2023
1 yr 0 mos
Kabupaten Boyolali, Central Java, Indonesia
1. Make production plan priority calculation, and calculate the required number of manpower and machines based on SMV (Standard Minute Value) to achieve production targets. 2. Monitoring and managing activities in production so that they run effectively and efficiently. 3. Analyzing productivity and the methods being implemented, so that we can continue to make improvements


1月 2020 - 2月 2020
2 mos
- Warehouse storage analysis - K3 analyst in Warehouse - Help to loading and unloading all department - Check and re-check quality and quantity all materials


1月 2016 - 5月 2016
5 mos
Jobdesc: -Help to loading and unloading all department -Check and re-check quality and quantity all materials -Prepare material for production -Execute Remaining Stock (Stock Opname)


Teknik Industri, Teknik Industri
2017 - 2021
Dinus Robotic Club as a Riset Team Tahun 2017-2019
When I was in college I participated in many activities including internal and external campus organizations, participating in the committees of Kemenristek Dikti and BKSTI Korwil Central Java. I'm following organization Dinus Robotic Club (reset team) and computing courses

Licenses & Certifications

Credential ID: 0041/DSA/EDA/2022
Issued 1月 2022
No Expiration Date
Issued 11月 2021
No Expiration Date