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Cindy Sanjaya
E-commerce Enthusiast | ex-Tokopedia & Zalora
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Cindy Sanjaya

E-commerce Enthusiast | ex-Tokopedia & Zalora
Cindy had graduated; majoring in Marketing (Branding) at Universitas Prasetiya Mulya who interest to make life more meaningful by helping other become more healthier and wealthier. Cindy has experienced in Category Development, Campaign Business Operation Specialist & Project Management over than 4 years. Cindy has some knowledge about how to grow category and solve its issues, make a content for campaign which category that she handled, make a campaign vouchers and being a customer centric point of view. Also Cindy had been worked with others division such as creative team, business development team, commercial team, CRM team, PR team, social media team and revenue team. Cindy is willing to learn new things, detail oriented, adjust easily, team player and willing to upgrade my skills set to help company goals.
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Universitas Prasetiya Mulya
Jakarta, Indonesia


  • 目前状态
  • 专业
  • 产业
  • 工作年资
    2 到 4 年相关工作经验
  • 管理经历
  • 技能
    Campaign Creation
    Campaign Strategy
    Campaign Planning
    campaign development & management
    Campaign Monitor
    Campaign Optimization
    Copywriting and content writing
    Operations Management
    Operational Efficiency
    Communication & relationship-building skills. Listen attentively
    Microsoft Office
    Google Drive
    Data Analysis
    Category Management
  • 语言能力
  • 最高学历


  • 目前状态
  • 预期工作模式
  • 希望获得的职位
    Marketing Manager, Campaign Manger
  • 期望的工作地点
  • 接案服务


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Senior Executive Campaign Management

2021年5月 - 2024年1月
2 年 9 个月
Jakarta, Indonesia
- handle ZAP local & regional campaign - Make counter proposal due to regional budget - Handle adhoc project such as Nike Dunk campaign, Veja & Brand Exclusive Page, and make sport revamp category - Handle daily deals, store of the month, pricing analysis, new product launch and new brand launch
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Business Operations Specialist

2019年8月 - 2019年12月
5 个月
Jakarta, Indonesia
- Make landing campaign page everyday that working together with merchant team, creative team, sales & marketing team, and SRM team in order to execute drafts that already made by sales & marketing also merchant team - Make promo code that used for campaign landing page or in microsite - Make promo microsite for Official Store Campaign
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Content Category

2018年12月 - 2019年8月
9 个月
Jakarta, Indonesia
- Maintain 9 content category which are Food & Beverage ; Souvenir, Stationary, Beauty & Health; Home & Living, Handphone, and Sport - Make hotlist of this 9 category that I handled it - Make catalog live by work together with product team - Make landing page campaign by using our back end system
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Category Growth

2017年11月 - 2018年12月
1 年 2 个月
Jakarta, Indonesia
- Maintain some content category which are Food & Beverage; Souvenir ; Stationary - Support for Category Taxonomy Revamp & Category Food & Beverage to be lived by search good images for thumbnail & headers also think about category revamp as well - Made hotlist for those category that I handled it - Make category report analyze monthly to see category pattern in order to initiates campaign to achieve each of category KPI - Support wedding category analysis before we make it live

Brand Planner

2017年2月 - 2017年5月
4 个月
Jakarta, Indonesia
As a Brand Planner for Sour Sally Mini Project, I have some tasks which are collected and analyzed insights; made brand communication plan and competitive review; also suggested creative promotions ideas to solve its problem
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Member Development Manager

2016年5月 - 2017年5月
1 年 1 个月
As a Member Development Manager, there are some tasks which are made database about our member, expectation survey, satisfaction survey, training for interview; tracked the probation stage; and suggested an idea for reward for members for each categories to appreciate their hardwork in this term
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Standard and Satisfaction Delivery Staff

2015年8月 - 2016年7月
1 年 0 个月
As a Standard and Satisfaction Delivery Staff, I have some tasks to do which are made a Global Citizen Parents' Booklet for Winter Project, MoM, Exchange Participant Tracking to check their safety in another country, also preparation some event for Exchange Participant to prepare well their knowledge about what activities would they make in each volunteer program that located in different country
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Academic Tutor

2016年3月 - 2016年6月
4 个月
Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten, Indonesia
As a Academic Tutor especially in Introduction to Statistic which I taught second semester college student who don't good at this subject. So, I have some responsibilities which are taught them in an easy way to understand this subject; made quiz for each week and check their quiz; and gave them understanding to solve each question
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President of Summer Global Citizen Fair 2016

2016年3月 - 2016年5月
3 个月
As a President of Summer Global Citizen Fair 2016, my responsibilities are led, gave directions to all divisions, and controlled all division whether all of job description had been done timely or not
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Vice President Selection and Learning of Entrevolution 2016

2015年11月 - 2016年3月
5 个月
As a Vice President Selection and Learning of Entrevolution 2016, my responsibilities are posted or advertised our project through aiesec system (EXPA); selected and recruited exchange participant; found EP buddy and EP house or host family through interview; and provided database on attendance data
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Mentor in Leadership 2015

SMA Santa Theresia
2015年4月 - 2015年8月
5 个月
Jakarta, Indonesia
As one of mentor in Leadership 2015, I have some responsibilities which are led and taught some of new high school students to give them knowledge about the school culture; been a role model and a problem solver for each problem that they had been through; and shared some lesson learned that I had been through in high school
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Documentation Division of Prasmul Olympics 2014

2013年11月 - 2014年5月
7 个月
Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten, Indonesia
As a Documentation Division of Prasmul Olympics 2014, I have some responsibilities which are made video teaser; also shot some photos and videos

Marketing Intern

2014年2月 - 2014年3月
2 个月
Jakarta, Indonesia
As a marketing intern, there are several tasks to do which are made a packaging for sample; entry documents to computer or wrote in books about company daily expense and taxes; also learnt how to write a good email to each client
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Secretary of Blidz 2014

2014年1月 - 2014年2月
2 个月
Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten, Indonesia
Blidz is annual event which held for 7th semester college students to pitch their business to investors. So, they could receive some funding from the investor who want to invest some money to their business. As a Secretary of Blidz 2014, I have some responsibilities which are made minutes of meetings (MoM), proposal, and press release about Blidz 2014


2013 - 2017
Skills: Event Planning · Interpersonal Skills · Communication · Time Management
