Avatar of 史其生.
Senior Cloud Architect
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Senior Cloud Architect
I was grown in the middle of two generation of small families, and the financial circumstance of my family is well-off. From I was a child, I has inherited father and mother's open and bright individuality, this kind of special characteristic also causes my personhood to handle matters optimistically positive. Although my major and the hobby is physics, I interesting in the electrical information engineering aspect. After graduated, I became a research assistant in High field laser laboratory to help Mr. Mr. LIN, HSU-CHENG in IAMS of Academic Sinica to maintains Y7 computer cluster together in the continually operation, and many has surpassed guarantees against damage the age limit the system to renew with installs the system to let its be able to make these node computer operating back on line. The most important contributing to High Field laser laboratory is building a new Core i7 cluster in 1GbE Ethernet with 18 nodes computers. It operate in OpenSUSE. Our test showed that this computer cluster can operate plasma simulation program VORPAL in 2D environment very well with MPICH2 and qsystem (OpenPBS, Torque). Its IP is and its Domain name is ltm.iams.sinica.edu.tw. I have a lot of experience in Linux and FreeBSD operating, relevant practical experience can be found in Appendix thematic my TOEIC score is 670 points, TOEFL iBT 79 points, I think I can use my computer cluster computing in your organization, aspects of the practical ability with good English communication and ability to translate their talents in your organization.
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Soochow University Taiwan
Taipei, Taiwan

Latar Belakang Profesional

  • Status sekarang
  • Profesi
    System Architecture
    DevOps / System Admin
  • Bidang
    Layanan Informasi
  • Pengalaman Kerja
    10-15 tahun (relevan 10-15 tahun)
  • Management
    Saya berpengalaman mengelola 1-5 orang
  • Skil
    python scrapy
    Oracle Database
    Jenkins Continuous Integration
  • Bahasa
  • Pendidikan tertinggi

Preferensi pencarian kerja

  • Jenis pekerjaan yang diinginkan
    Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
  • Jabatan pekerjaan yang diinginkan
    System Architect
  • Lokasi pekerjaan yang diinginkan
  • Bekerja lepas
    Non-pekerja lepas

Pengalaman Kerja

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devops team and data team lead

10/2022 - 10/2023
1 yr 1 mo
Taipei City, Taiwan
1.AD server migrate from VM infra to K8s. 2.reprogram core-server from php to golang 3.migrated current EMR and BIGQUERY routine job to databrick IaaS 4.calculate everyday cloud cost and make excel to CEO 5.install kube-prometheus and integrated all system(including AD server and EMR batch) alert into telegram channel 6.use droneCI/CD to establish gitflow CI/CD pipeline 7.Use aws kms to manage all keys 8.Manage the work of devops team and data team
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Senior Cloud Architect

04/2022 - 08/2023
1 yr 5 mos
1. Rebuild all DEV and staging Kubernetes cluster environment by bare-metal server in Taipei 2. Config and set monitor Kubernetes and alert system with Prometheus-operator 3. Enstablished Cloud GKE and bare-metal Kubernetes system network integration with all Fortigate network system 4. Total Message system with Kafka planning and organization

System Architect

04/2021 - 08/2022
1 yr 5 mos
P1/7 Responsible for : 1. OKD establishment planning and organization 2. Taishin multipay system upgrate project planning and organization 3. Cassandra DB link with BANCS planning and organization 4. Total Message system with Kafka planning and organization 5. KEM system hp kubernetes debug and optimization planning and organization Build proxy common platform for entire bank, migrate Monolithic application proxy server to K8s total solution, integrated into Devops system. 2021/1 - 2021/7 intella financial tech. Title devops manager/System Architect Responsible for : 6. Rebuild Jenkins to GKE pipeline 7. Migrate mailgun to server 8. Reorganized all vm and docker in GKE 9. Build Prometheus and ELK monitoring system in GKE 10. Write Proposal for Taipei weekend market payment system 11. Digital payment process design app, web : Developing of multiple payment, including the use of process planning, communication with artists and engineers, and product scheduling. etc. 12. Internal backend system designed web : Planning the payment backend system, completely planning an internal backend system based on the original semi-manual process, to facilitate automatic management 13. Rebuild all internal network with Fortinet system. project : 1. infrastructure of https://mgt.intella.co/mgt-ui/Login, invoice system of cafeteria in TSMC 2. Qrcode scan for NTU parking system.

devops manager

01/2021 - 04/2021
4 mos
1. Rebuild Jenkins to GKE pipeline 2. Migrate mailgun to server 3. Reorganized all vm and docker in GKE 4. Build Prometheus and ELK monitoring system in GKE 5. Write Proposal for Taipei weekend market payment system 6. Digital payment process design (app, web): Developing of multiple payment, including the use of process planning, communication with artists and engineers, and product scheduling... etc. 7. Internal backend system designed (web): Planning the payment backend system, completely planning an internal backend system based on the original semi-manual process, to facilitate automatic management 8. Rebuild all internal network with Fortinet system. project: 1. infrastructure of https://mgt.intella.co/mgt-ui/Login , invoice system of cafeteria in TSMC 2. Qrcode scan for NTU parking system.


02/2020 - 01/2021
1 yr 0 mos
1. migrated monolithic application to K8s(bare metal server) 2. established prometheus to monitor every service 3. established clickhouse as OLAP service 4. use gitlab CI and ArgoCI to accomplish network and service auto tunning 5. node to node forward proxy in private line networks 6. established ELK for kuberneters and application docker log 7. ipsec VPN for cloud and multi node IDC by using fortinet 8. mysql online server tunning 9.deploy blockchain system on k8s 10. integrated spinnaker with Jenkins
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12/2018 - 02/2020
1 yr 3 mos
1. Gitlab CI/CD system establishment. 2. redis and Mysql integration. 3. Established a new audit system with ELK for mysql audit and jumpserver access aufit 4. Dev and stage K8s environment establishment. 5. Mesos and marathon cluster management and maintenance. 6. Automatic generate Percona xtra cluster in AWS EC2 by python. 7. Monitor k8s system by python and cadvisor. 8. Deploy ASR system in customer’s K8s cluster Project: Cathay financial holding intelligent voice system deployment and tuning (including deploying by ansible, backup, DR and HA python script customized) https://demo.mobvoi.com.tw:48020 Chatbot in K8s on https://www.facebook.com/MobvoiOfficialTW/


02/2018 - 11/2018
10 mos
1. Gitlab CI/CD system establishment. 2. redis and Mysql integration. 3. Established a new audit system with ELK for mysql audit and jumpserver access aufit 4. Dev and stage docker swarm environment establishment. 5. Planned and installed new Offsite Backup sites in google cloud engine and AWS. 6. System monitor with python and influxdb establishment. 7. Automatic generate Percona xtra cluster in AWS EC2 by python. 8. Monitor Docker swarm system by python and cadvisor. 9. Deploy and install mysql and elasticsearch in AWS and Google cloud engine Project: http://roulette.winhuainfo.com http://scibo.winhuainfo.com

senior engineer

04/2016 - 01/2018
1 yr 10 mos
Housekeeping organization arrangement for mongoDB and Mysql Postgresql and Mysql integration. Tuning system and network operation in IDC. Using JAVA for postgresql maintenance and Spark system modification Deploy and install mysql and elasticsearch in AWS and Google cloud engine Managed and improved platform performance Using Python to manage docker in AWS ECS and aliyun ECS Project url: http://www.acnhe.net/ Managed and improved live streaming platform performance Project url: http://www.xcyl988.com/ Project url: http://www.yjbename.com/ Managed 阿里雲 ECS and establishment TICK stack monitor, ELK log view for these two project above.
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senior engineer

11/2014 - 04/2016
1 yr 6 mos
Optimization IOT service for our customers. Such as reorganization table and index for database. Transfer some serial data to AWS dynamoDB and Cassandra to avoid table scanning in IOT service. Change linux shell scripts to CHEF server and to stabilize every upgrade. experice project: a.CloudRecording project: continue. b.Database system, Cloud system security, and Cloud System network infrastructure tuning and optimization. c.IOT system integrated into present IPCAM project d. SPARK data analysis system establishment about new IOT SDK and system. result: (a).tuning postgresql performance by adjusting table and data distribution. (b) Create table and tuning in AWS DynamoDB. (c) Established REDIS cluster for IOT service project. (d) Established AWS EMR to become the part of IOT project, I use spark and impala https://www.trendnet.com/products/ip-cameras/TV-IP862IC https://www.necam.com/Video_Communications/doc.cfm?t=IPVideoCameras
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principle engineer

01/2014 - 10/2014
10 mos
(a).in BYOC OP team, report and debug cassandra operation. (b).Percona MySQL cluster debug and report its combination for BYOC API issue to US team.
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03/2013 - 12/2013
10 mos
⮚ use mongoDB and Mysql build ebook and newspaper announcement. (http://www.yiabi.com.tw/puppy/pages/about/cutting/index.html) (http://news.yiabi.com.tw/category.html?offset=0&length=30&typeId=8801000000&newstype=newspaper&Category=3). Result: (a.)use mongoDB to establish DATABASE and TABLE for supporting front-end RoR development (b)use mysql to establish bugzilla, registerred users that operated in front-end RoR page development. Final web sites: ⮚ http://www.yiabi.com.tw/puppy/pages/about/cutting/index.html) http://news.yiabi.com.tw/category.html?offset=0&length=30&typeId=8801000000&newstype=newspaper&Category=3).
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01/2011 - 03/2013
2 yrs 3 mos
VOIP telephone system. Most of all is maintain the core: oracle database and SQL server. Result: (a.) Used table-partition to reduce oracle slow query problem (too much old data) (b) Written some triggers for SQL server to produce manual table-partition. (c) make housekeeping and old data purge for SQL server. (d) reorganized SQL server in this CTI system by re-indexing and modified several old SQL statement.


Bachelor degree of Physics
- 2005