Responsible for :
1. OKD establishment planning and organization
2. Taishin multipay system upgrate project planning and organization
3. Cassandra DB link with BANCS planning and organization
4. Total Message system with Kafka planning and organization
5. KEM system hp kubernetes debug and optimization planning and organization
Build proxy common platform for entire bank, migrate Monolithic application proxy server to K8s total solution, integrated into Devops system.
2021/1 - 2021/7 intella financial tech.
Title devops manager/System Architect
Responsible for :
6. Rebuild Jenkins to GKE pipeline
7. Migrate mailgun to server
8. Reorganized all vm and docker in GKE
9. Build Prometheus and ELK monitoring system in GKE
10. Write Proposal for Taipei weekend market payment system
11. Digital payment process design app, web : Developing of multiple payment, including the
use of process planning, communication with artists and engineers, and product
scheduling. etc.
12. Internal backend system designed web : Planning the payment backend system,
completely planning an internal backend system based on the original semi-manual
process, to facilitate automatic management
13. Rebuild all internal network with Fortinet system.
project :
1. infrastructure of
https://mgt.intella.co/mgt-ui/Login, invoice system of cafeteria in
2. Qrcode scan for NTU parking system.