* Managed Kubernetes clusters and applications with AWS EKS, ECR, S3, CloudFront, Route 53, Nginx Ingress Controller, SSM Parameter Store
* Improved and extended the Continuous Delivery pipeline (in-house Python tool / Helm)
* Created Continuous Integration tests and Continuous Delivery pipelines with CircleCI
* Created Infrastructure-As-Code with Helm, Terraform, Ansible, GitHub
* Set up ECS instances, VPC, and VPN connections in AliCloud with Terraform
* Optimized Docker images' sizes and deployment speed with multi-stage builds and layer caching
* Setup Zilliqa & Ethereum node and worked closely with stablecoin team to launch the blockchain microservice
* Planned and executed the enablement of AWS RDS encryption at rest
* Planned/tested/executed MySql8 upgrade fro MySql 5.6
* Brought up database dump with sanitization and restore from production to staging using Airflow
* Upgrade EKS clusters to use the newest base OS for security measures