Avatar of Dean Chiu (邱怡騰).
Dean Chiu (邱怡騰)
Quality Manager
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Dean Chiu (邱怡騰)

Quality Manager
I am a qualified ISO 13485: 2016 lead auditor, quality manager and a certified member of the six sigma green belt. My previous working experiences in medical device industry were management representative, medical QA/QC, after sales service management and had received the training of clinical research associate. I majored in Biomedicine and studied medical laboratory management, conducted experiments in molecular biotechnology and statistical analysis. In my working history, I started from the QC specialist about genomic DNA extraction reagents and instruments. And then, I became the QA specialist maintaining laboratory equipment and review the quality SIP and SOP to make sure all the inspection process and instruction are fulfilled the specification and ISO 13485 requirements. Then, I was promoted to the QA/QC manager and management representative to monitor the whole quality system and in charge of applying CE mark, ISO 13485 and trained for customers in Asia and European countries. Finally, I am in charge of manager in global Quality System Department. My job objectives are leading the team to established and monitored the whole quality and service system, solve the global customers' complaints, do the product external training and audit suppliers, customers all over the world, carry out post-market surveillance to analysis and improve the service quality and implement the customer satisfactory activities. In addition, I have lot of business trip experience all over the world (such as Italy, Thailand, Switzerland, Chian……and so on) and current one was in 2023, helped Italian customer reworking products. I am excellent at setting up systems and troubleshooting, and I have strong problem-solving and analytical skills. Furthermore, I enjoy challenges and possess great English communication skills. 我是合格的醫療器材品質管理系統ISO 13485:2016主導稽核員、品質經理和六標準差綠帶訓練合格人員。我之前在醫療器材產業的工作經驗是品質經理、管理代表、醫療品保/品管、售後服務管理,並接受過臨床研究員的訓練。碩士班研修生物醫學,學習實驗室管理、執行生化實驗及統計分析。 在我的工作經驗中,我是從基因組合核酸萃取試劑和儀器的品管專員開始的。然後,我成為品保專員,維護實驗室設備並審查品質 SIP 和 SOP,以確保所有檢查流程和指令均符合規格和 ISO 13485 要求。隨後,我晉升為 品保/品管經理和管理代表,負責監控整個品質體系,負責申請 CE 標誌、ISO 13485,並為亞洲和歐洲國家的客戶提供培訓及客訴處理。 最後,我在 Wellell Inc.(也稱為 Apex Medical Corp.)擔任全球品質系統部門經理。我的工作目標是帶領團隊建立並監控整個品質和服務體系,解決全球客戶的投訴,對世界各地的供應商、客戶進行產品外部培訓和審核,進行上市後監督以分析和改進服務質量,實施顧客滿意活動。另外,我有很多世界各地出差的經驗(例如義大利、泰國、瑞士、中國…等等),目前一次是在2023年,前往義大利幫助客戶重新定義及重工產品。 我非常擅長設定係統和故障排除,並且具有很強的解決問題和分析能力。此外,我喜歡挑戰並擁有良好的英語溝通能力。
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國立中山大學 National Sun Yat-Sen University
新北市, 台灣

Featured Resume

Professional Background

  • Situación actual
  • Profession
    Quality Manager
    Customer Service Manager
    Regulatory Officer
  • Fields
    Medical Devices
  • Experiencia laboral
    10-15 años (Más de 15 años relevante)
  • Management
    I've had experience in managing 1-5 people
  • Skills
    Quality Management System
    Quality Assurance
    Quality Analysis
    Quality Standards
    Complaint Management
    Complaint Resolution
    Laboratory Management
    Product Management
    Survey Design
  • Languages
    Nativo o bilingüe
  • Highest Level of Education

Job Search Preferences

  • Situación actual
  • Desired Job Type
    A tiempo completo
    Interesado en trabajar a distancia
  • Desired Positions
  • Lugares de trabajo deseados
    Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
    New Taipei City, Taiwan
    Taoyuan City, Taiwan
    Taipei City, Taiwan
  • Freelance
    Autónomo a tiempo completo

Work Experience

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Quality Manager

A tiempo completo
abr 2021 - mar 2024
3 yrs 0 mos
New Taipei City, Taiwan
The leader of Quality System Dept. is making sure the below activities achieving companies goals, implement directly or assign as well as surveillance the detail tasks to department colleagues quarterly and annually. a) External and internal audit handling. b) Quality system maintenance for fulfilling regulatory requirements (QMS/MDD/MDR/MDSAP…….and so on). c) Complaint handling, communicating with foreign subsidiaries or customers. d) Return merchandise authorization (RMA) conducting, trend analysis and improvement conducting. e) Post market surveillance plans and reports issuing. f) Quality management system and internal audit training instructor. 品質系統部主管確保以下活動實現公司目標,直接實施或每季和每年向部門同事分配和監督具體任務。 a) 外部和內部稽核處理。 b) 符合法規要求的品質系統維護(QMS/MDD/MDR/MDSAP…等)。 c) 投訴處理、與國外子公司或客戶的溝通。 d) 進行退貨授權(RMA)、趨勢分析和改進。 e) 發布市場後監督計畫和報告。 f) 品質管理系統和內部審核訓練講師。
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Customer Service Representative 資深客服代表

A tiempo completo
may 2015 - mar 2021
5 yrs 11 mos
I'm qualified ISO 13485:2016 lead auditor, certified quality manager, six sigma green belt certified member and resposible for establishing customer communication strategy, medical device troubleshooting policy , post market surveillance, technical document editing, ISO 13485 system maintain and product management in E.U. market. ISO 13585:2016 主導稽核員, 品質協會合格品質經理及六標準差綠帶合格人員,擔任瑞士福爾公司客服系統的建立和管理,處理相關客訴問題和技術支援,並衡量、監控、改善客戶滿意度;同時負責維持和更新ISO系統相關文件、認證以及稽核相關事宜;產品管理,負責新產品上市流程,包材內容撰寫和確認。
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Quality Assurance/ Quality Control Manager品保/品管經理

A tiempo completo
oct 2009 - may 2015
5 yrs 8 mos
New Taipei City, Taiwan
1. Mananegent Representative 2. Quality Assurance/ Quality Control Manager 主要是負責公司內部ISO13485和ISO9001的管理代表,參與公司ISO13485品質文件的撰寫並擔任內部稽核員工作以及國內外客戶儀器保養、維修教育訓練;同時處理各種核酸萃取試劑、儀器、PCR、RT-PCR相關試劑的SOP撰寫和品管工作並處理相關客訴問題;並負責統籌分子生物實驗室的儀器保養、維修、校正相關處理事宜。


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Master’s Degree
生物醫學研究所 (Institute for Biomedical Research)
2005 - 2008

Licenses & Certifications

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品質管理師 (CQM)

Credential ID: CQM109004
Expiration Date: jul 2025
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Credential ID: SSGB108006
Issued abr 2019
No Expiration Date
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ISO 13485:2016 Medical Device Quality System Lead Auditor Training Course

BSI Group
Credential ID: ENR-00356764
Expiration Date: oct 2023
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Credential ID: CQT03226
Expiration Date: dic 2019