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Dr. Benjamin Ticho
MD Ophthalmology
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Dr. Benjamin Ticho

MD Ophthalmology
Board-certified ophthalmologist Dr. Benjamin Ticho practices in Southwest Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana. He has educated scores of ophthalmology residents and fellows and worked as a principal investigator in some of the most important ophthalmic clinical research studies of the last two decades as an Associate Professor of Ophthalmology at The University of Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary. Dr. Ticho is also the founder and owner of Ticho Eye Associates, which has locations in Chicago Ridge, Tinley Park, and Munster, Indiana. Dr. Ticho's main focus is on direct patient care, which includes cataract surgery, strabismus correction, and oculoplastic disorders. He believes in taking the time to explain findings and treatment choices to patients. Dr. Ben Ticho is a general and pediatric ophthalmologist who has been practicing for over 30 years in the Chicago Metropolitan region. He is the lead physician of Ticho Eye Associates and has been recognized in Top Doctor Chicago Magazine 2020 and 2021, as well as West Suburban Living magazine in 2014. He is board-certified in ophthalmology and has been re-certified three times by the American Board of Ophthalmology. Dr. Ticho has lectured hundreds of medical students about the newest in ophthalmic treatment at conferences, symposia, and board review courses across the country.
Aesthetic & Therapeutic Laser Center
University of Michigan Medical School
Chicago, Illinois, USA
United States

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Doctor of Medicine (MD)
1981 - 1987