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Digital Marketing
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Digital Marketing
目前任職於遠見天下文化出版,擔任領導影響力學院的數位行銷副理一職,負責官網建置、FB投廣素材製作、廣告數據監控、實體課程活動支援。 前職任「樂吃購!日本」日本旅遊網站資深編輯近9年,擅長並了解網站內容規劃、製作、審稿及網站使用者及數據分析,並擔任「日本人の日本旅遊指南」FB粉絲團管理編輯,擅於社群媒體經營、提升粉絲黏著度。能提出網路活動企劃,並有效且有計劃地完成工作內容。 在擔任皇冠出版社行銷企劃期間,除了新書之行銷活動,曾執行吳若權、苦苓新書講座,及陳良基、簡靜惠&李柏毅、黃致凱等新書記者會。 對於數位媒體行銷、內容產出等工作內容很有興趣,也致力於學習新知。擅長文字企劃,希望能以自身能力盡力達成工作目標。 UK education background, good knowledge at website editing, website traffic analysing, social media management and writing. Also, I can do website planning and FB, Google advertising as well. I am an enthusiastic, creative editor with extensive experience in this industry, working method and software, such as Google Analytics, SEO and Search Console, and a wealth of experience in social media user rising. Comfortable working as part of team or independently, and I am eager to learn new knowledge. I have learned everything in my previous job and I am excited to take on a new challenge.
London College of Communication, University of the Arts London
台北市, 台灣
Đài Loan

Trình độ chuyên môn

  • Tình trạng hiện tại
    Đã có việc làm
    Tắt trạng thái tìm việc
  • Nghề nghiệp
    Cộng đồng / Social Media
    Digital Marketing
  • Lĩnh vực
    Xuất bản
  • Kinh nghiệm làm việc
    10-15 năm (10-15 năm liên quan)
  • Kinh nghiệm quản lý
    I've had experience in managing 1-5 nhân viên
  • Kỹ năng
  • Ngôn ngữ
    Thông thạo
    Trung cấp
  • Trình độ học vấn cao nhất

Ưu tiên tìm kiếm việc làm

  • Hình thức làm việc mong muốn
    Quan tâm đến làm việc từ xa
  • Vị trí làm việc mong muốn
  • Địa điểm làm việc mong muốn
    London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom
    Taipei City, Taiwan
  • Freelance
    Freelancer bán thời gian

Kinh nghiệm làm việc


04/2024 - Hiện tại
遠見天下文化出版 遠見天下文化數位行銷副理 擔任「領導影響力學院」官網建置、數位行銷投廣、廣告數據監控、課程活動支援。 Global Views - Commonwealth Publishing Group Digital Marketing Assistant manager “Leadership Impact Institute” website planning, FB advertising and monitoring, and course event support.

Senior Website Editor

12/2014 - 11/2023
9 yrs 0 mos
New Taipei City, Taiwan
吉日媒體集團 「樂吃購!日本」日本旅遊網站資深編輯 *網站編輯:網站文章主題企劃、編輯、製作並審閱實用優質內容,於2014~2015年間將每月流量由100萬提升至200萬,日後並持續顯著上升。與契約記者保持良好溝通,每年至日本進行客戶/自主取材撰寫文章,並與在台之日系廠商、媒體進行網站、SNS之互惠廣告宣傳合作。 *網站數據分析整理:以Goole Analytics分析網站流量、人氣文章等數據,以Search Console分析關鍵字以及專長SEO。 *社群平台經營: 「日本人の日本旅遊指南」FB粉絲團管理編輯,粉絲人數於2015~2023年9月從20餘萬成長至80萬人。安排每日文章配信、哏圖短片製作、FB線上活動舉辦。 *吉田皓一著作《吉田社長的台日經營學》企劃提案、校稿、行銷活動協力。 *管理台北辦公室公共事宜。 "Let's go! JAPAN" Japanese tourism website senior editor *Website editor: Expert in article writing, editing and useful content planning. Improved website traffic from 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 per month and it is still rising. Use good communication skills to connect with contract writers. Have strong travel writing experiences in Japan, and maintain essential relationships with Japanese business partners. *Website Analytics: Good knowledge at Google Analytics, SEO and Search Console. *Social Media Management: "Japanese' Japan travel guide" FB fan page manager. Increase active followers from 200,000 to 800,000 since 2015. Manage text, picture, video posts, online events, and analyse the data. * Support Yoshida Koichi’s new book “Yoshida Shachou’s management of Taiwan and Japan” planning, proofreading and event assisting. *Office manager for the office in Taipei.


01/2014 - 12/2014
1 yr 0 mos
New Taipei City, Taiwan
行銷企劃 *新書專案行銷企劃、行銷文宣文案撰寫、媒體宣傳、網路平台活動操作、媒體及作家聯繫、新書發表記者會策劃執行、作家講座策劃執行。 *新書記者會與講座:陳良基《創新的人生》、簡靜惠&李柏毅《愛在當下》、黃致凱《李國修編導演教室》、吳若權《先放手再放心》、苦苓《哦NO!不要跟我去旅行》 Book Publisher Marketing Specialist New book Project marketing, press conference A.E., seminar A.E. and cross-platform social media marketing. *New book press conference:陳良基《創新的人生》、簡靜惠&李柏毅《愛在當下》、黃致凱《李國修編導演教室》 *New book seminar:吳若權《先放手再放心》、苦苓《哦NO!不要跟我去旅行》

Học vấn

Bằng Thạc sĩ khoa học xã hội (MA)
2009 - 2010
2001 - 2005