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Johan H.
IT Project Manager | Business Analyst | Bachelor of Computer Science
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Johan H.

IT Project Manager | Business Analyst | Bachelor of Computer Science
Johan currently working as Functional Consultant. He believes in working ethic, He always put Integrity and Professionalism in the first place. He'd like to learn new things by self-driven as self motivation, and like to create something unique and also helpful for the company & stakeholders by being creative person.
Password Solusi Sistem
Jakarta, Indonesia
Nam Dương

Trình độ chuyên môn

  • Tình trạng hiện tại
    Đã có việc làm
  • Nghề nghiệp
    Project Manager
    Nhân viên tư vấn
    Web Developer
  • Lĩnh vực
    CNTT/ Kỹ thuật số
  • Kinh nghiệm làm việc
    1-2 năm (4-6 năm liên quan)
  • Kinh nghiệm quản lý
  • Kỹ năng
    Collaboration & Teamwork
    Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
    Empathy and Willingness to learn.
    UI/UX Designer
    Web Development
    Teamwork & Leadership
    AI & Machine Learning
    Project Management Skills
  • Ngôn ngữ
    Chuyên nghiệp
    Bản địa hoặc song ngữ
    Thông thạo
  • Trình độ học vấn cao nhất

Ưu tiên tìm kiếm việc làm

  • Hình thức làm việc mong muốn
    Quan tâm đến làm việc từ xa
  • Vị trí làm việc mong muốn
    Business Development, Product Manager, Project Management, Business Operations, Process Design
  • Địa điểm làm việc mong muốn
  • Freelance
    Không phải freelancer

Kinh nghiệm làm việc

IT Project Management

01/2024 - Hiện tại
Jakarta, Indonesia
- Pouring Ideas and as An Initiator to change the existing application framework to newer technology (Internal CRM App). - Succed to develop 2 out of 4 modules (on progress to 3) to become a Enterprise SuperApp. - Helping stakeholders to convert the ideas into reality. - Collaborate with cross-department to make sure application function meets the expectation.

Functional Consultant / Business Analyst

10/2022 - 12/2023
1 yr 3 mos
Jakarta, Indonesia
- Design & produce blueprints ERP for customer needs. - Help existing customer to escalate their problem with solutions on our ERP. - Help cross-department to handle projects on time (Big Data). - Produce an advance also intuitive prototypes & UI/UX. - Implementing front-end design to modern & easy looks.

Audit Staff

03/2021 - 10/2022
1 yr 8 mos
Jakarta, Indonesia
Sebagai audit staff, saya melakukan pengecekan ulang terkait dengan pembayaran atau tagihan customer kepada perusahaan, serta memastikan seluruh dokumen terdata dengan baik dan melakukan pengecekan terhadap tiap-tiap dokumen yang terdata. Saya juga melakukan pengecekan terhadap arus kas sesuai dengan laporan yang ada, dan bekerja untuk 3 anak perusahaan lainnya.


Taiwan Tea House
06/2020 - 11/2020
6 mos
Jakarta, Indonesia
Melayani Customer, Melakukan Manajemen Kas dan Persediaan Barang, Melakukan Komunikasi kepada Stakeholders, Menjaga dan Merawat Kebersihan Outlet.

Học vấn

Khóa học không cấp bằng (ví dụ: chứng chỉ Coursera)
Project Management
2023 - 2023
Bằng cao đẳng liên kết
Computer Science
2021 - 2022
4/4 GPA
Các hoạt động xã hội
‣ Processing data using Logic JavaScript which is taught from elementary to intermediate levels so that participants are able to simulate the possibilities that can occur when they enter the world of programming. ‣ Sharpen the logic or mindset of participants to become a programmer. ‣ Use of CSS framework, namely Bootstrap for styling to make the code cleaner and neater and get acquainted with free hosting, such as Netlify so that work can be uploaded and become an online website
Mô tả
Kampus Merdeka Belajar Kemendikbud
Bằng cử nhân
Information Technology
2018 - 2022
Các hoạt động xã hội
Some relevant modules are taken: ‣ Basic C++ Practicum ‣ Data Structure Theory & Practicum ‣ Operation System ‣ Database System & Oracle ‣ Web Programming ‣ Artificial Neural Networks ‣ OOP with Java ‣ GUI VB.NET Programming ‣ Computer Vison ‣ Big Data
Mô tả
Skills: Prototyping · Big Data · Problem Solving · Node.js · Front-End Development · C++ · Machine Learning · Java · Software Development · Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET) · Computer Science · Computer Vision · Git · Analytical Skills · Data Science · Python (Programming Language) · Algorithms · JavaScript · UI UX · SQL · Artificial Neural Networks
2015 - 2018
Các hoạt động xã hội
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