● 管理5個團隊 (App、前端、數據、後端、DevOps/SRE),包括預算、招聘、績效與培訓,確保團隊穩定且高效,平均留任期4年。
● 領導團隊與多部門協作,推動網站、App及後端的日常需求與運營。
● 與3個以上部門緊密協作,優化產品。完成2次品牌重塑,網站SEO分數提升至90,App曾獲達成台灣區前5大優選。
● 混合雲架構建置,實現測試與正式環境一致,提升服務可靠度至99.9%,運維成本降低70%。
● Docker/K8S/GKE導入以實現應用程式現代化。達成API回應時間95%低於200ms、官方網站效能提升20%、個人化推播速度提升75%。
● CI/CD及資安檢測機制建置、制定程式碼審查規範,最終達成部署速度提升70%、交付速度提升30%。
● 數據中台以及會員輪廓系統建立於AWS。提供數據驅動、業務洞見及開發商圈與店家的計畫方向。
● AI產品自動貼標與AI個人化推薦等系統的建置,提升客戶轉換率2%。
● 節約成本並提升效率,導入App跨平台技術與行銷網站模板自助平台;B2B App開發時間縮短50% (技術-1位);行銷網站上線速度提升50% (技術-2人)。
● 與國內外第三方服務與外包商進行服務整合,快速完成策略結盟與商模快速擴增。
● 雲端與地端即時監控系統及日誌整合中心設立,提升服務可靠度至99.9%。
● Managed 5 teams (App, Frontend, Data, Backend, DevOps/SRE), including budgets, recruitment, performance, and training, achieving an average retention rate of 4 years.
● Daily requirements and operations for the website, app, and backend, led through collaboration with multiple departments.
● Led collaboration with over 3 departments to drive optimization, completing 2 brand revamps, boosting SEO to 90, and app ranked in the top 5 in Taiwan.
● Hybrid cloud architecture built, achieving consistency in test and production environments, improving service reliability to 99.9%, and reducing operational costs by 70%.
● Docker/K8S/GKE implemented for software modernization, achieving 95% of APIs under 200ms, 20% faster website, and 75% faster personalized push.
● CI/CD and security scanning promoted, code review standards established, achieving 70% faster deployment and 30% faster delivery.
● Data platform and user profiling system built on AWS, providing data-driven insights and expansion plans for markets and merchants.
● Product auto-tagging and personalized recommendation systems built with AI technologies, achieving a 2% increase in customer conversion.
● Cost reduced with cross-platform app tech and a self-service marketing web template, cutting B2B app dev time by 50% (−1 tech) and marketing site launch by 50% (−2 tech).
● Local and global 3rd-party services and vendors integration led to accelerate partnerships and business expansion.
● Cloud and on-premises real-time monitoring system and log integration center established, improving service reliability to 99.9%.