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Staff RD Engineer
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Staff RD Engineer
1.我叫楊弦勳,個人特質為積極熱枕,心態光明正向。畢業於義守大學電子工程研究所。在研究所期間,主修固態電子組。 2.畢業後亦投身於半導體產業,累積約有15年左右工作經驗,視野涵蓋半導體晶圓長晶製程設備、CMOS元件製程、先進封裝製程、測試以及良率分析與故障分析以及IC可靠度工程等領域深入多年,在工作上可進行彈性發揮,協助團隊發展。 3.曾經幫環球晶圓建立長晶爐FMEA失效模式主要失效DC Motor改造,並獲執行長頒獎。(2)台灣美光為第一個HBM 3DIC建立FA失效模式分析的工程師,且有帶領團隊成員偕同建立EFA實驗室架設兩台u3M測試機台。(3)在隆達電子為第一個建立Light sensor SIP testing,且成功建立SIP testing system以及相關治具以及loadboard,並有投遞專利。同時讓新進同仁可以follow測試已建立之測試規範完成客戶需求。 (4) 11 years above Foundry product Engineering/Failure analysis/Product Testing /PMIC Product yield and failure analysis, includes IC reliability Engineering experience 4 years above Semiconductor Ingot /grinding equipment optimization experience
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Professional Background

  • Situación actual
    Listo para la entrevista
  • Profession
    Product Engineer
  • Fields
  • Experiencia laboral
    Más de 15 años (Más de 15 años relevante)
  • Management
    I've had experience in managing 5-10 people
  • Skills
  • Languages
  • Highest level of education

Job search preferences

  • Desired job type
    A tiempo completo
    Interesado en trabajar a distancia
  • Desired positions
    Product Manager
  • Lugares de trabajo deseados
    Hsinchu City, Taiwan
  • Freelance
    No freelance

Work Experience

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A tiempo completo
abr 2023 - may 2024
1 yr 2 mos
Hefei, Hefei Shi, Anhui, China
1.HBM project HTOL/ELFR reliability hardware /Die carrier build up 2.HBM core die wafer process reliability estimate 3.HBM Thermal/warpage /current simulation 4.TD Level Yield improvement and reliability risk assessment
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feb 2022 - feb 2023
1 yr 1 mo
Zhunan, Zhunan Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan 350
1.SIP (System In Package) sensor assembly process development 2.Proximity sensor ,Ambient light sensor testing system development 3.SIP sensor final testing system and handler building and NPI engineering activities. 4.SIP Sensor Reliability engineering perform and testing result evaluation 5.SIP Sensor HTOL, THB DUT Board , Burn in Board and load board circuit design and development 6.Tester GRR correlation Major Achievements  Proximity sensor test system build and fixture optimized for ALS, PS, and open air sites  Proximity sensor reliability engineering design and develop for HTOL and THB test item  Patent “ A fixture for light sensor reliability sensor test”
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高級封裝整合工程師Senior Package Integration Engineer

abr 2019 - feb 2022
2 yrs 11 mos
1.開發中COW (Chip on wafer) 電性測試資料分析 2.電性故障分析與良率資料分析 3.開發中測試晶片(UPTC) C3D 與C4D良率提升與失效分析 4.HBM 記憶體晶片故障分析與良率提升 5.可靠度失效分析 6.SWR 工程實驗(針對low yield原因進行SWR 工程實驗) 7.實驗室建立管理(EFA實驗室建立以及tester與probe card的order與管理) Major Achievements  HBM2e Yield achievement above 90%  HBM2e Reliability issue FA support  EFA lab build and management (2 uM3 tester and probe card order and design)
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A tiempo completo
jun 2015 - mar 2019
3 yrs 10 mos
350, Taiwan, 苗栗縣竹南鎮
1.專案執行 2.長晶爐設備/圓磨機設備數位化研發 3.老舊零件second source供應商開發 4.停產設備零件尋求供應商開發 5.變壓器降低諧波效應節能與提升功率因數專案 6.無刷馬達改造專案執行 7,電性失效分析(Electronic circuit )與電路查修與維修方向建議 8.協助設備工程測試問題與產品硬體失效處理 Major Achievements  The crystal grower DC motor replace by AC servo motors  Process equipment control system upgrade


A tiempo completo
abr 2014 - may 2015
1 yr 2 mos
Hsinchu County, Taiwan
1.與RD討論Burn in board電路設計的可行性。 2.使用protel軟體設計PCB版,並將元件焊接至Burn in board 3.示波器,訊號產生器以及current meter等儀器驗證OLT電路與Burn in board 4.ESD測試(含HBM,MM,Latch up等測試) 5.Package level的可靠度測試等 6.實驗室儀器管理人 Motor control IC , DC-DC Converter IC HTOL and ESD reliability project perform and verification
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feb 2009 - mar 2014
5 yrs 2 mos
Hsinchu, Hsinchu City, Taiwan
1.90nm/0.11um/0.13um/0.18um OTP/MTP/Flash memory/SRAM/e-fuse/ROM/PWM IC/DMOS/UMOS/MOSFET/HVMOS /LED Driver產品良率提升與故障分析 2.New IP發展與產品驗證 3.產品良率分析(WAT inline-data CP FT data analysis) 4.產品故障分析(EFA+PFA) 5.良率分析EDA Tool correlation (WAT+ inline+lot notes) 6.data-log電性分析與測試issue判斷 7.RMA退貨分析與8D report報告協助撰寫
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jul 2007 - dic 2008
1 yr 6 mos
Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
1.Loadboard repair 2.New Type release and correlation新產品導入 3.Reduce Retest rate and yield improvement降低重測率分析 4.Correlation and RnR 5.Test program modify and test method verification測試程式維護 6.Production Low yield ,O/S ,QA low yield analysis.良率分析 7.Europe busniess line customer services 8.Product reliability(loop test) and stress test


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Master’s Degree
2003 - 2005
3.5/4 GPA
在研究所期間,主修固態電子組,在碩士班研究期間,論文方向為單電子電晶體,在國家奈米元件實驗室執行與分析電子元件製程與電性量測,學習到半導體積體電路製程與電性量測分析的經驗。在研究成果方面,有發表IEEE nano device以及APL(Applied Physics Letter)等知名期刊。  Transport Properties in SiNx /poly-Si /SiNx Dual Quantum dot Transistor (SNDT2005)  Transport Properties of Double SiNx/Si/SiNx Nanopillars Transistor (EDMS2005)  Fabrication and electron transport in vertical silicon-silicon nitride silicon multiple nano-pillars (IEEE NANO 2005)EI  Interference of charge carrier in a double-dot nanopillar transistor (Applied Phys. Letter 89, 053515)SCI
Bachelor’s Degree
1998 - 2003
3.5/5 GPA
Actividades y sociedades
電子工程學系撞球社 曾參加大電盃撞球比賽