2021年5月 - 現在
• Refactor ETL, create a airflow project by Cloud Composer to transfer ETL tools from digdag to airflow and transfer ETL develop method from shell script to python.
• Maintenance BigQuery more than 100 tables.
• Create pipelines from mysql and mongo to bigquery.
• Create a good development culture, including the introduction of CICD, dev-stage-uat-master, release news, unit tests and test coverage.
• Using Airflow unified scheduler job, like cloud function scheduler, bq scheduler, crontab, and ML model by R or Python ...etc.
• Create Data Team's first real-time ETL system via GKE, Pub/Sub and Memorystore for sending push notifications to users.
• Reduce Data Team 25% cost.
• Keep SLO above 98.
• Create Data Team's first API via GKE for ML model, include achieve graceful shutdown, and run stress test via ApacheBench, and setup auto-scaling by hpa. 95% latency is under 200ms and RPS is over 200.
• Create a Tagging System for tracking groups of users.
• Create a BigQuery Resource Monitor to monitor users BQ slot and query count usage.
• The finalists of Break the Norm awards on 2021-Q3 and 2021-Q4.
• Assist in interview more than 10 new data engineer.
• Mentor junior data engineers to be more effective individual contributors.
• Apply the data team's models to the company's APP. (automatically send push notifications and in-app messages)
• Automatically update recommend streamer list via data team's models to the company's APP.