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Michael Mullins New Jersey
Product Sales Managing Director and Sales Instructor
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Michael Mullins New Jersey

Product Sales Managing Director and Sales Instructor
Michael Mullins New Jersey is an accomplished athlete and holistic health expert. Meet Mullins, an exceptional bodybuilder and weightlifter who has made a name for himself in the athletic world. He's a highly respected community member and has achieved numerous feats that many aspiring athletes only dream of. One of Mullins' most notable accomplishments was breaking the U.S. National Olympic weightlifting record for 85-kilogram lifters in 2009. He achieved this by winning the U.S. National Masters Olympic Weightlifting Championship with a clean and jerk of 143 kg. The following year, he won the bronze medal at the 2010 World Masters Games in New York City, where he snatched 110 kg and jerked 136 kg. Mullins has also broken several state clean and jerk records. In addition to his impressive weightlifting achievements, Mullins has also participated in the Nobull Crossfit games, ranking in the top 900 lifters in the United States and 1250 worldwide. Mullins is a well-rounded athlete with a diverse set of skills.

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  • Management
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